The Bitter Taste Of Coffee, The Sweet Taste Of Love

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This was new for them, extremely new for them.

He's never done anything like this before in his long years of living. Eons worth of knowledge deep in his brain, and he still wasn't prepared for this scenario.

Kwite was currently going out in public, and he hated it.

Now, it wasn't that they didn't like outside, the world had a lot of beautiful areas, some that they would love to go to some day.

But outside meant people, and people meant interactions.

He was a weird guy, he knew that. And he wasn't the nicest dude around either, he was kind of a dick, so he stayed inside for many years.

Never leaving and living off of caffeine for a couple of millenia. Drinking many energy drinks, and eventually GFuel when it came out.

But despite living like that for a long, long time. He still needed to eat.

He wasn't human, so his hunger wasn't the hugest factor, but he still needed food to keep up some functions.

And currently, their stomach was killing them from the way it craved substance.

So they had to go outside, and they simply weren't prepared.

Walking through the streets trying to find something to put their stomach to rest wasn't as easy as it sounds. He had been to five different places already and it was still growling with need.

He realized why his parents told him to eat like regular people, because he now had thousands of years worth of food to make up for.

He has just ordered practically everything from a Micky D's, was still chomping of a burger in fact, (while people looked at him like he was crazy), when he saw something.

A cutesy ass coffee shop that seemed the most fulfilling at the moment.

Which was weird, it's a café. What could be so good in there that their gut craved for it so badly?

They didn't know, but they weren't about to go in looking greasy as hell. In places like that, you had to look at least a little bit decent.

So they decided to go in tomorrow, what could be the harm?


Kwite was back again to his wandering. Looking honest to God like a short ass gremlin that had a line of coke before going out.

Not that he would do that.

But the point still stands, he looked crazy as all hell, but decent.

His hoodie was clean, looking pretty new, but worn in a pleasant way. He also made sure to polish his shades, giving it a wonderful shine. He even put on a new mask.

All in all, they looked wonderfully presentable. But they were currently shaking as if they were having a bad reaction from withdraw.

Not that they have experienced that.

But again, there's a point, they looked like a good looking maniac gremlin.

And the stares he was getting didn't make it any better.

So he was walking quickly through the streets, just letting his body take him where he needed.

Eventually, he found himself in front of a building.

The same damn shop they passed by the day before, and their stomach craved at the mere thought of what could be inside.

Which, again, was weird. It was a Café, why did a part of him want to go in so badly?

A Kwitetrap Story: Now, Isn't this.. INTERESTING?Where stories live. Discover now