Chapter Ten: This is what I wanted, this is what I prepared for.

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Kwite wasn't ready, he wasn't prepared.

After Springtrap stopped by his place, looking just as he did when Kwite first saw him, he couldn't have been happier.

But now he was. Fuck he was ecstatic! And so damn happy it seemed like a crime. This was one of the best days of his life.

He was getting married to Springtrap today.

A while ago, the robot proposed to him, after two years of knowing each other more, two years of connecting, their feelings getting stronger and stronger for each other everyday.

After two years he dropped down and popped the question.

Kwite instantly said yes.

His life was shit, he could admit that, I mean, the first people he told afterwards was his chat. Damn that was sad. But also very happy.

They of course got invited, virtually.

He wasn't crazy enough to have us in person, and we were quieter that way.

The lovebirds spent a couple of months planning, with chat's help. Though they had to put up a no animal policy, ESPECIALLY for cats. It simply had to be done. They couldn't take risks.

After we helped them with the color scheme and sitting arrangements, one chair for Kwite's Laptop, they were prepared to put everything into place.

Didn't take long, only a month at most, and everything was ready.

They had invited everyone they knew, The Phantoms and Chat, and once they gave the location of the Wedding, everything was done, they were prepared to make to official.

To officially, and legally, be together.

And Kwite wasn't ready. He just wasn't prepared.

It wasn't that he didn't want to marry Springtrap, no, he had no doubts about that. He just wasn't prepared for.. the ceremony.

For everything.

This was a big step for them. Hell for a while they both agreed they didn't want to get married. Even if they did, The gov probably wouldn't allow it if they knew about the dead body.

He knew nothing would truly be different, but it was still nerve wracking.

He was still nervous.

He wanted this oh- so badly, but he didn't know if he could do it.

Kwite didn't think he could control himself if he saw Springtrap on that weird ass platform. He would probably burst into tears instantly. (Happy tears ok)

The Chat wouldn't let it down if that happened.

He tried to control himself, convince himself that everything was alright. That all he has to do was walk out there, listen to that guy who reads the book, say his vows, say 'I do', kiss, then boom, it's official.

Damn, that was a lot of steps!

He didn't want to back out, not after all of this planning and preparation. Not after promising to Springtrap he would do it.

Not after having nobody for his whole life.

Someone was finally willing to give him a chance, to stay with his dumb ass and love him.

He couldn't ask for anything more.

He wanted this.

He knew it with his whole entire being.

Then why was he so hesitant?

Why wasn't he just going out there?

He needed to, everyone could only wait for so long.

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