Chapter Seven: I would die a thousand times, if it meant you were safe.

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Kwite and Freddy wandered into the room, being very aware of their surroundings, as they had not a clue about what was happening. It was fairly empty, only thing weird was the dried up pool of blood in the corner.

And a large set of stairs that led deeper into the Attraction.

This was very intimidating to both Kwite and Freddy. But.. this was the last place to look in Frights. And they had looked everywhere else, they weren't going to stop just because it looked a little spooky.

So they trailed down.

It was... It was very insane at the first sight. A blue purplish color surrounded the area. Computers, tablets, and screens were practically in every corner of the fairly large room. The main thing they noticed though..

The main thing they noticed was the large tube in the middle of the room, with many wires and and smaller tubes sticking through.

It looked big enough to fit a fairly built person inside. It looked big enough to fit an Animatronic.

It looked big enough to fit Springtrap.

Kwite's fear raised at this, he was terrified at the possibility. But, he knew it wasn't just a possibility.. he knew it was true.

Springtrap was in that tube. He HAD to be.

There were so many questions he had... like, why take Springtrap? Why use him of all robots? And, how did they know where they were? What were they doing down here?

So many questions, so little time. Kwite decided to get himself together and rushed over to the tube. Now he could see what was in there a bit more clearly. And unfortunately, he came to a realization.

That wasn't Springtrap in the tube. It couldn't be.

It looked horrific, broken and teared in so many places, it's eyes had a purple glow and a unhinged jaw that could take a bite out of Kwite's head without difficulty.

It.. it looked so much like him, like Springtrap, hell he felt the same connection he did when he first came here. The same feeling that his heart was being pulled towards something. It was hard to feel when he was far away, but right here? It felt like he needed to be there with him forever.

But it wasn't Springtrap.

And if it was... Kwite could feel something was different, altered. This wasn't how he was supposed to be. He wasn't meant for Kwite this way, it's too dangerous, for both of them. He was supposed to be like he was before, but this.. it wasn't ever gonna work.

It almost felt like Kwite's heart was being teared apart. Like he was being rejected something he wanted, needed. And he was going to tear apart if it was like this any longer.

Well, maybe it would first.

It hurt Kwite to see him like this, and if it hurt him like this, he couldn't even imagine the pain Springtrap was feeling. He couldn't begin to think how it would feel to be experimented on like that.

He didn't even want to think about the torture he went through if it was this bad already.

"Took you long enough." A person behind him said. Kwite whipped around to look at them, and saw a white man with brown hair and a Bri'ish accent.

Weirdly enough he was wearing a mainly purple suit. Who wears a purple suit?

Kwite looked at him with confusion, which was understandable because he didn't fucking know this random bastard.

"Who are you." It was a question, definitely, but if he had to force this guy to give him an answer, he would do it no matter what.

After what he did to Springtrap, he was prepared to use his.. methods... to reverse whatever he did. To make him reverse whatever he did.

The Purple Guy let out a dark chuckle, if they could be dark, "If you really wish to know. Afton, William Afton."

Kwite paused for a long while. Afton. The guy who killed kids Afton, the guy who wanted immortality Afton, the guy who's body was currently rotting inside of Springtrap Afton.

That, Afton. And here he was, alive and okay. And definitely not as dead as the Marionette made him out to be.

The confusion he felt only increased, and the hoodie was getting ready for a fight until he looked closer..

The man was translucent. This guy was a ghost.

How the fuck did any of this make sense? How did.. ANY of this make sense? How was he here if Springtrap took his life essence? Kwite didn't understand the specifics, but he thought it meant if Afton had no life, he would be dead, gone, not even a sprit.

But he still had a soul, didn't he?

He has a soul. A soul that didn't transfer to the Animatronic behind him. And all of a sudden, he got it.

When Afton died inside the suit, his life drained out of his soul, as it usually does. But instead of being used for other purposes, it went into the Spring Bonnie suit. Because the suit now had life, Afton couldn't possess it. So he became a ghost as souls without life and without closure do.

So how did he do all of this? He wasn't living, but he could be on earth for as long as he wants, what was the purpose?

"Afton. You've been expecting me." Another statement, he knew it was fact, it was literally what he said when he saw Kwite. Scroll up if you don't believe me.

Afton hummed softly, if you could even call it that.. "Yes, I have been. I expected you sooner, it's upsetting you came towards the end of my experiment, but it's effect will be just as good."

Kwite had a horrible feeling about this, and when the tubes door opened, because it had that, it only confirmed his fears more.

He had seen Springtrap through the foggy glass, but now he could see him clearly. And it was worse, so much worse. He was so broken he hardly resembled how he looked before. The only real thing keeping the connection was the greenish yellow color of his "fur", his bunny ears and the rotting body that was still there.

Past that, he was different. Incredibly different.

First point? The powerful color of purple in his eyes, it was.. intense. Terrifying coming from him. And Kwite didn't need to look too hard to tell that Springtrap was prepared to tear him into shreds.

The Animatronic slowly walked towards the human. (???) Both gazes unwavering. Both staring at each other as if the other was their whole world, as if it began and ended with them.

Except one of these looks were for a whole other reason. It wasn't attraction, love, but a goal.

A goal to kill Kwite. And that, seeing Springtrap in such a horrible way, seeing him look at Kwite as if he hated him, wanted him dead all along.. we don't want to know what he felt.

Springtrap was walking up to kill him, and Kwite was going to let him.

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