Chapter 7: Even in the dark

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AN : This chapter is from Zoah's pov. Just want to clarify Zoah is not a villian. This story focus on grief and healing, more than it does on lovestory. So Raya fans, who are looking for a Priya- Ram getting back together romantically this is probably not the right story for you. This story is more about family dynamics than it is about romantic relationships. Anyways, happy readings :) 

Five years ago

"Zoah, I'm sorry but your father has reached stage four of cancer, there is not much we can do now. Spend whatever time he has left with him, Zoah."

Zoah looked at the doctor with tears in the eyes, standing outside of her father's room in the hospital. Zoah wiped her tears, she had to stay strong for her dad.

"There must be something doctor, you are a doctor please do something I beg you. Please save my dad" she whispered the desperation and pain evident in her voice

"I'm sorry Zoah" the doctor giving her hand a gentle squeeze before walking to her next patient.

Zoah took deep breathes before she slowly opened the door and walked towards her dad's bed. Her dad was giving her a sad smile, as if he already had known what the doctor was going to say.

"Dad...." She whispered walking towards his bed, kissing his forehead gently

"It's okey, meri bachi" he whispered as he with his shaking hands grabbed her hands

Zoah's heart shattered into tiny pieces, her father who had always been the strongest person she knew was a ghost of the person he once was.

"Listen to me my Zo Zo. I don't know much time I have longer, but I want you to know that being your dad has been the greatest honor of my life. The decision to adopt you is probably the smartest thing your old man ever did. I just wish we could have had more time together, I 'm sorry for everything that I'm going to miss out on" Iqbaal said with tears shining in his brown eyes

Zoah wiped his tears away gently and hugged him close to her heart as gently as possible, she closed her eyes in the embrace, taking in his comforting cinnamon scent.

"I love you so much dad, thank you for accepting me and giving me a home. A family. It has always just been you and me. Dad, I really don't know how I will do anything without you" she whispered crying

Zoah lower lip shivered as she cried in his arms, the only parent she had known. Iqbaal kissed her forehead gently, trying to comfort his babygirl. But there was no word in the dictionary that could make this goodbye easier for either of them.

"I love you Zozo, promise me you will continue to live your life the way I taught you with hope, strength, warmth and kindness. You will not give up on people nor yourself, you will remember everything that I taught you. Mera bacha, even if you can't see me know that I will be there with you in spirit and in that big heart of yours. But mostly I want you to remember what I said when we met for the first time, you are bruised Zoah not broken. Your past, your pain and trauma does not define who you are. You are my light, Zoah Arshad Ali. I love you, sweetie" he whispered with love in his voice

"I love you too dad, forever" Zoah whispered her eyes swollen due to crying, when she moved away from his eyes, she saw that her dad had fallen asleep.

Some hours later when his heart monitor flatlined, for Zoah it felt like her forever fell apart.


Four years ago

"It has been a year since dad passed away, and still, I just feel numb. Everyone expect that I should have moved on by now, but how I will move on and be okey after losing the only family I had? I have not been able to go in the field, I have been on a desk duty and my team is probably frustrated with me. But I don't have energy to care. I'm barely holding it together. Please show me a sign, Allah" she said with her hands up in a prayer.

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