Stupid Playboy.

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Kumi's POV:

  I was dating the popular playboy in school, except I wasn't actually stupid. I only agreed to go out with him in the first place to play him back. Did he think I was stupid enough to fall for his joke? Although, I have to agree, hanging out with him was really fun, he can be a sweet guy. But that's besides the point. I know he was doing it all just to "embarrass" me once he was done playing with my feelings. One day I was sitting with him and friends. I had my air pods in but I could hear his friends shit talking about me. Kit tried to shut them up, but I couldn't stand being in their presence anymore. "Kit, I hate you. I always did. You have a shit personality and it's sad that girls actually fell for you. Anybody that ever says they would even go past "liking" you is full of shit. I hope you never actually believed I'd fall for one of your stupid jokes." He sat there, showing no emotion. I looked at his friends who were laughing, and walked away. After school I walked home, finally I got away from all the people talking about what I did. I was walking through the school parking lot, when I noticed Kit's car, he was sitting in the driver's seat, balling his eyes out.

I've never felt so guilty in my entire life.


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