chapter 17

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Early the next day, Sharon walked into the sitting room, planning to get a bit of tv time to herself. She sat down, grabbed the remote, and turned on her favourite program. After a little while, she decided to lay down, so she tested her head on a cushion, but immediately sat up again. There was something hard under it.

Sharon reached under and pulled out a book, it was Steve's. She smiled delightedly, surely Steve would have some beautiful drawings of her, she had often overheard others admiring his art. She opened the first page. Peggy. ' of course, this mist be just after he got out the ice!' Sharon began to flick through the pages, aliens,buildings, avengers, mountains, until a certain picture caught her eye, giving her a deep pang of jealousy.

It was " Natasha," she whispered. There was no other way to put it, it looked beautiful, there was so much detail... 'How dare he, he is my boyfriend, and how dare she it is all her fault!' Sharon said angrily. Quickly she flicked through the next drawings, another of Natasha! Then one of her, but not nearly as well done as both of Natasha's, she thought sourly. Standing up, she decided to talk to Steve about, get him to remember that Natasha Romanoff was the black widow, a cold hearted killer who could never love...

Steve paced around his room, bucky and sam sitting on their beds, worried though slightly annoyed expressions on their faces. " Look man, just tell her today, go up to her, tell her your breaking up with her, and walk away." Sam said.
" He's way to nice to do that," bucky pointed out.
" What else is he gonna do, make a banner saying I'm breaking up with you in pink sparkly letters?" Sam snapped back.
" Not helping," Steve interrupted.

There was a knock on the door. " Steve?" It was Sharon. Bucky rushed to the door, ignoring Steve who was quietly begging him to not. Bucky flung the door open. " Why, hello Sharon! What a, a lovely surprise!" He said in a forced sort of happy voice. Sharon looked very confused.
" Yes," Sam said," why don't you and Steve go for a nice walk, right now, with no one around!" He looked at Steve pointedly. Steve realized this one maybe one of his only opportunitys to break up with her.
" Fine, ok, let's go," he gave in.

As they walked out bucky gave Him thumbs up and an encouraging smile and Sam crossed his fingers and mimed good look to him.

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