chapter 3

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Shi wudu's pov:

I laid on the side of my bed with my feet barley touching to ground. Thinking weather I should take a nap or not. Well it was almost sun down so I disided to just lay there with my eyes wide open. I didn't really know what I was thinking about.

My mind was empty nothing really came to me. It was peaceful. Nice and peaceful. I could have stayed like that forever. A couple minutes go by and then I hear some yelling happening down stairs. Oh great. I really didn't feel like seeing what the problem was but the noise wouldn't stop.

I peaked my head out side of my room. It was an old man yelling at two poor girls. He was yelling "YOU FAGGOTS! GET OUT OF HERE!" They're gay? I mean who cares leave them alone grandpa. I didn't really care for gay people but my brother is one so I should at least support that right? I'm not the biggest fan so I just kept watching.

Suddenly someone showed up. I couldn't see there face and and I could only see there neck and up. The stupid railing was in the way. Then he started yelling at the old man to leave to couple alone and that people can love who they want. Wise words ig. It's very touching to the people ig.?

The man was putting the old man outside the hotel but I didn't pay much attention to that. I saw some really nice art work down the hall. I went to go check it out. It was very lovely. It has a little girl in it sitting down in a chair with some blue flowers in her hair and hand. She wasn't smiling but wasnt sad either.

Next to it all the way down the hall where some paintings and decor as well. The old woman came up to me and asked if I liked the painting. I had said "yes." She had told me they were part of a series called "the girl with the blue flower" it was quite interesting, although it had a little bit of a blad name.

The old woman left. Then I had heard someone on the stairs. My gut kept warning me like there was something wrong. I didn't know what to do. I just stood still till the person had left but I never heard them do so. It scared me for a second but then they started walking away. After that I ran to my room and stade there.

Pie Ming's pov:

After yelling at that old man for being so disrespectful to that nice couple I had started going up stairs.the stairs were quite creaky. I thought they might break. Then I saw a man I couldn't see his face but I bet he was handsome.

His hair was nice and long. It looked to be well taken care of. And the figure was very skinning and just enough curves to them. I stopped for a second to look at the long luscious hair and lengthy body, being mesmerized by it. Then I went of to my room. As soon as I entered I sat on my bed. I thought about that man by the stairs.

Now that I think about him I bet he looked hot. I really hope to at least see his face. The more I think about him the more I wonder if he had a nice a$s or not. I bet he does too. I wonder what painting he was looking at. Oh I hate that there are mysteries about him. Oh well you only meet people like that once in a lifetime right?

ooh... he reminds me of shi wudu to much, I don't like that. At least I hope ling wen is doing alright. Why did I have to bring her up? Just forget about that and think of something else. I sat there for a few minutes just staring at the wall trying to occupy myself. Then I finally fell asleep.

Shi wudu's pov:

I woke up the next morning feeling alright. I
hoped to wake up early so I could leave as soon as possible. I had gotten dressed in my disguise. I felt that the man from yesterday might try and talk to me. I went down stairs and got breakfast and a cup of tea. I was almost finished with my dish now. Than I heard the man from yesterday.I turned my head to look at him a bit. I couldn't believe my eyes!

It was Pie Ming. I had the biggest wide eyed face on me then I ever had before. I almost turned into my girl version I was so scared to be found out. I put my hood on straight away and went over to pay for my night stay. I was about to flee but then the man was right Infront of the door.

I waited for about five minutes and he hadn't moved. I got worried so I had told the lady that I had left something in my room and ran up the stairs in a hurry. I prayed that he didn't notice but he probably did.

I stayed in that room till lunch then the old woman came into the room. She said " oh my are you ok? You been up here all day. Is there someone here you are trying to avoid?" I had answered "yes...," "Oh my would you like to stay in the room for a bit more?" The old woman said. "If it doesn't cause you any problems I would like to stay in the room a bit more. And don't worry I will leave by 10:00 pm to 11:00 pm." I said. She said that was fine and went back outside.

A couple of hours passed. The old woman was nice and gave me some lunch and dinner. I am very thankful she was the owner of this hotel. Then came around 9:00 pm. I started packing my stuff. Next 9:30, I had to make should Pei Ming wasn't down stairs. Till 10. Or if he was I would have to jump out the window which isn't my style.

Then came 10:00pm. It was time to dash.
I thought of just bolting out of the building but he was there... "Calm down just walk normally and put the hood up. Here comes the door and...
Something grabbed my arm. I was almost frozen. Cold sweat ran down my neck. I tried to get out of the hold. But it didn't work. That means this wasn't no human...
I almost choked on my saliva.

After one last attempt I got out! My prayers were heard. Yes! Run! Run! Run! That was the only thing on my mind. I didn't have the guts to look back. But I did and I saw Pei Ming almost leeping torwards me.

Old woman's pov:

I couldn't tell you how excited I was. My plan is going well. Yup you guessed it it me! Hua Cheng! The only pieshui shipper! Oh if only he knew. Hehehe. Yeh I told Pei Ming that shi wudu was here. What's the big deal? Well I didn't actually tell him that but gave him some hints. What? Is that against the rules? Ok back to the story. :-P }:‑). (Should I have broke the 4th wall?)

Narrator's pov:

shi wudu didn't stop for a dime. He kept running, not ever letting go of his hood. Pei Ming almost at arms length of grasp. He started to yell, "WAIT PLEASE STOP!" for the love of his life. Shi wudu didn't listen can kept running. But then after not even a second. He trips. (That's how you die In horror movies =_=) he mumbled, "how fullish" but then he realizes that he's not on the ground but in pei ming's arms.

His hood falls down from his face. Pie Ming panting from running. Staring into one another not saying a word. 5 minutes go by after each of them regains some stamina and energy. Pie Ming almost in tears from the fact his "best friend" is still alive. Shi wudu not wanting to be in this position but doesn't want to move either. So they both stay that way.

Then Pei Ming speaks his mind, "how.. how are you alive?!? I saw your head clean off you and your body! So.. how," shi wudu didn't dare to answer this cause the truth is... he didn't know either. He didn't know how he was alive or how he was here. He simply didn't know...

Pie Ming then said "it's ok... You don't have to tell me now. I can wait for you. But can you just stay with me at the very least. It was quiet. They just stared into one another. Then shi wudu just shuck his head up and down without letting go of the eye contact.

With their silowets in to moon light, Hua Cheng was in the corner of a small alleyway. Just glimpsing over to see the romantic seinery happening. He was so proud of himself he went to go see Gege and celibrate.

That's where it's ending for now ^_^ I know love that cliff hanger. I'm excited for the next chapter 🤩 also If you wondering where the painting inspiration came from. It came from a mystery/horror game called, Matsuro! It's quite fun?

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