chapter 7

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Sh wudu's pov:

There was no more discussion after that. We hurriedly went through the town. I don't know why but I got a bad feeling about the town, keeping my gaurd up. We passed out of the town around 1:00pm. There was nothing but fields. "Why are No better yet, where are we?" I asked Pei Ming
"Heh.. about that, idk where we are. I think I made a wrong turn.

"..." I looked at him, he looked at me. He had a had a black face, avoiding eye contact. Rubing my forehead with my hand, then it swing bad down. "How, how could you have gotten us lost!?" I took two deep breaths before continuing. "Now let's go back into the city and find some to say. Then we can fix this mess."

We looked for a hotel, an inn, there was nothing in this town!! 'What should we do? Ugh, this will be my biggest bother yet' I thought. "Wait... HOW ARE YOU HERE!!?!? how are you down here for this long?!? Don't you have work??" I shouted. It was the truth how was he here? And for this long! What the hell.

"Oh...right about that, I got someone else to do it for me so I could be with you like I am right now!" Pei Ming answered. "That's a pretty shitty excuse if you ask me." Shi wudu whispered. "It is not!! Don't you want to see me?!" Pei Ming exclaimed. 'Not really' I thought but didn't say, I think that would hurt his feelings to much.

Pei Ming's pov:

Shi wudu has been super close to me this whole trip and won't leave my side. He looks like a lost puppy. I enjoyed every second though. I really don't know how to start a conversation, unless there is something to speak of but nothing really came to mind.

A few minutes went by and I got destacted by my own thoughts that I don't know where we are. Not a thing. Hopefully Shui-xiong know where we're going....

Nope he has no idea, just a clueless as me. Ok let's just take random turns and hopefully something will pop up?

Nothing popped up, uh... Now we are at the exit of the city. Hmm that seemed fast. Well it's almost dark out... Not a good sign and there was nothing beond the city that you could see with your eyes. I could sence 'someone' wasn't very happy. Oops.

Shi wudu's pov: (back to present, sorry 😔)

Now that I think about it, this town is quite deserted. No one was in the town at all... It was weird. "How about we find a house and see if anyone lives in it, if not I guess we can use it?" I tried to hint at. "Yeah..." Pei Ming I think got the hint. We walked up to a door and knocked. And knocked again...and again. Then Pei Ming just opened the door and walked in.


We looked around. We found nothing but a kitchen, bathroom, and a bedroom. The bed looked like if you flicked it, it would fall over. Surprisingly it was kinda of clean. It wasn't bad, although germs... I didn't like thinking about that. The food in the kitchen didn't look that old either... "Pei Ming are you sure no one lives here?" I asked nervously. 'how tf am I as opposed to know!' Pei Ming thought. "Yes. I am sure 😊" Pei Ming said sternly. "Alright..."

"Why don't we find something to eat?" Pei Ming asked "alright... Do you know how to cook." I asked. "Yes. Do you?" Pei Ming asked. "..No... Why?" I questioned. "Oh, well then! I can teach you. Let's see what foods are here first before we plan anything." I nod my head yes and we start looking. There was some meat, vegetables, mushrooms, potatoes, beans, tofu, seafood, vermicelli, and dumplings. "Uuuh! We can make a (Chinese) hot pot! It looks like the owner of the house was going to make that." Pei Ming concluded.

"I guess it does seem like that." I stated. "Alright! Let's get cooking." Said Pei Ming. "Wudu-xiong, please get the knife for me. I will get the meat and cutting board." "Mhm" I peeped out. "First we got to cut the meat, while I do that can you go get some water and boil it? Thanks.." I nod and head out to get the water, I wouldn't be thinking I would do this... Exactly right now. 'I still wonder how and why Pei Ming stays down here with me... There's nothing to do and it's probably boring for him. Maybe, just maybe he could br-' "HEY!! YOU GETTING THE WATER?" Pei Ming asked. "YES." I yelled back. "ALRIGHT!" and he went back inside.

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