chapter 8

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Pei Ming's pov:

We started going up to the heavenly capital. I still haven't gotten the joke yet. I might went I get there. I snuck in through the back of the crowd seeing this weird ghost woman and his highness. I didn't think much of it. They started talking about a, mother, father, son relationship and everything else. I wondered why we were even talking about this. "This child belongs to a god?" I heard from some other gods whispering. Then everyone looked at me. What? Why are they looking at me? The heavenly martial emperor asked me if that was my child. What?!? My child?!? No way.

"I'm sorry my lord, that is not my child. And I do not recognize this woman, at all." I stated, the ghost woman agreed with me. "Alright then, if it's not General Pei, then who is it?" The ghost went on, blaming everyone in the room to be the fathers child. Then she blamed his highness. He was the only one who was actually suspended for this. I don't know why but it was a little suspicious. Then they drew out the virginity sword. Pfft, why would they make a sword for that? BAHAHA.

Shi wudu's pov:

What, what the hell!! Where am I? I feel so small. Why is it so dark? Ugh. I'ma try and find an exit. Really?!? There's no exit! Where the hell did Pei Ming pull me!!!then I felt something touch me. Wait... I looked up there was a hint of light!! But it was up so high? And there's nothing here. Hm this is going to be difficult. I felt myself moving. But I wasn't moving at all. So how could I be moving? Then I heard whispering all around. Then, silence. I heard? Jun Wu? And then this woman and his highness? Why? How?!? I listened very carefully to the conversation. So this woman was a ghost?

(I ain't rewriting everything else sorry 😔)

" Blah blah blah, so the father has to be a god." I already guessed that but considered some other things. For some reason it went quiet right after that. Then I heard Pei Ming, pfft, oh shit, right I have to be quiet. But it's too funny. "OH SHI-" I fell, oops. God damn that hurt.

(We're moving to the sword part now. I do not have the patience to write every detail again. Sorry, that is just how I am.)

"We will have you use the virginity sword. Is that ok Xianle?" "Yes"
Pfft why do we have that sword? And who made it as well. I just question why. I heard a chuckle from Pei Ming as well. At least I'm not the only one that thinks it's unusual.

We finally get to the end. I couldn't tell if that was long or a short amount of time. I just want to go back home. I started leaning on a "wall" and slowly started to slide down it into a sitting position. The walls were actually very soft. Who would make walls soft? That's just weird, it's like putting carpet on your ceiling. What's the purpose? And just why? I put my head on my knees and fell asleep.

When I woke up I was in a bright ass room. I also had a "blanket" on me. When I finally focused I saw Pei Ming. He looked... ginormous!!!! Why was he so big?!? Then I finally looked at what I was lying on and it was his hand... Fucking weird bitch."I bet he took pictures of me as well, fucking weirdo."
(I'm sorry, too much of me came out into shi wudu ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ )

"Hey..... Put me back to normal!!!! Why am I so small?" I hollered at him. I looked around. Wait... Is this, Pei Ming's castle?!? How the f am I here?!? I thought ghosts couldn't go here... Well then again he was here so I guess they can come here.

"Pei Ming! Will you not turn me back to normal?" I said angrily. "Fine, fine. You owe me though." "What?!? Why would I owe you? You're the one who put me like this!" "Uh ah, that's not what I'm talking about." He said. 'wha- .... Oh right' I thought. "I see you figured it out."

'uggh, petty bitch.' I thought to myself rolling my eyes. "Fine, but you first gotta put me back to normal or else it ain't happening." I stated, annoyed. "Deal" he said.

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