Chapter One: The Dream

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*APRIL 26 2028 - 2 YEARS LATER*

I opened my eyes to find myself surrounded in pitch-black darkness. I turned my head left and right to see if I could spot something, just anything that could give me a slight clue as to where I was, but found nothing. I was more confused than scared as to what was going on but something deep down told me that I should be freaking out right about now.

'What the hell is going on here?' I thought to myself. 'Where even am I anyway?'

Though the panic was building up within me, I didn't allow myself to be consumed by it. When life puts you in a threatening situation, the one thing I learned was to never give in to panic. Always remain calm in the face of adversary. While it may be easy to give someone that bit of advice, it was never easy to follow through with it.

Just like animals in the wild, humans have the instinct, the self-preservation, to survive when they find themselves in a life-threatening situation. Any sense of panic will set off that instinct, which would result in that organism trying to escape from it. This may or may not result in sudden death.

So, I remained calm and tried to find a way out of this pitch-black darkness. Even though I couldn't see anything and there was no sign of an exit, that still didn't stop me from trying to find a way out. I wasn't going to give up that easily. If I were to just give up right now, that would be me accepting my fate too quickly, and that wasn't going to happen.

Just then, a figure emerged from the pitch-black darkness. At first, I wasn't able to tell what it was, but upon closer inspection and as it stopped about 20 feet away from me, I was both confused and shocked at what I was seeing.

The figure appeared to be some white rabbit with patches and stitches all over its body, giving me the impression that this figure was wearing a suit. It had large red eyes and a light blue ribbon tied around its neck. Held tightly in its right hand was what appeared to be a large kitchen knife that was stained with blood. Judging from the body structure, it appeared to be female.

I couldn't believe what I was seeing. What was this thing doing here? And why was it holding a large kitchen knife in its hand? None of this made any sense to me. But most importantly of all, why was I hit with this powerful sense of dread by just looking at this thing?

The rabbit cocked its head to the side and stared at me for a moment. Then, it raised the knife above its head and began charging at me with inhuman speed. I stared at it as it inched closer. Something told me to run and never look back, but I didn't. I stayed where I was as the rabbit reached me and tackled me to the ground.

I grunted as I landed on my back hard enough to have the air knocked out of me, wrapping its hand around my neck. I looked the white rabbit in the eyes as it held the bloodied kitchen knife high above its head. I glared defiantly at it for a moment before the knife suddenly came down at me. I closed my eyes, waiting for it to plunge into me, but I felt nothing.

I opened my eyes and to my confusion, the rabbit was gone. I got back on my feet and looked around to see if I could spot it. As I did this, I thought I heard a strange sound echoing through the darkness. At first, I couldn't tell what it was as it sounded like it was far away. The strange sound continued to grow louder and clearer as I continued to search for the rabbit that tried to kill me.

I quickly turned my head to the right one last time where I came face-to-face with a familiar face of a small girl.

'What the hell?' was the last thought that ran through my head.



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