Chapter Eighteen: Will-Breaking Discoveries

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It took me a while, but I made it back to Rockstar Row. The entire walk, I was curious as to what Roxanne Wolf had to say. There could be a number of things she wanted to say. For all I knew, it could be all about the things she went through before she found herself back in her green room. I dreaded what it could possibly be. To be honest, it would probably be best not to force her to talk about something Roxanne would rather not talk about. Though it was a bit better than knowing none at all, it was better than putting her through emotional distraught 100%.

To be honest, I didn't know what to expect. That alone made me a bit more nervous, the dread growing slightly. Only God knows what will happen next. I had a feeling that something big was going to happen. Either good or bad, I had to be ready for whatever it was that would come my way in the next few moments. That was something I didn't like one bit.

I reach Roxanne's green room. I approached the door and it slid open in response to my presence. I stepped inside, hearing the door shut behind me. I looked to see Roxanne and Lisa sitting on the couch with Lisa's left hand resting on her shoulder. They looked in my direction at the same time, which I will admit was a little creepy. Lisa's smile was warm while Roxanne's was weak. I didn't like the looks of that.

I walked over to them, none of them moving an inch on the couch.

"I'm back," I said as I stopped about a foot away from them. I looked at Roxanne. "It's really good to see you back on your feet, Roxanne. We've been worried about you."

"I know," Roxanne said, her voice weak. "Lisa told me after I woke up. I'm sorry to make you all worried."

I nodded. I was relieved that everything was okay, despite knowing that there could be a trap that would set off at any given moment. I stayed where I was even though I wanted so badly to check to see if there was anything unusual. At the same time, I looked to see if Gregory and Freddy were around. There were no signs of them.

I found that to be a little odd. The plan was for all of us to come back to the green room when Lisa alerted us when Roxanne woke up. And yet, they were not here. I couldn't help but wonder what the hell was going on.

"Hey, where's Gregory and Freddy?" I asked.

"When Roxy woke up, they were the first ones I contacted," Lisa replied. "Gregory said that he was going to finish some business and he and Freddy would be on their way once they were finished. After that, I tried contacting you for a good while until you finally picked up."

I nodded, understanding why they weren't here. That made sense. If he and Freddy were trying to take care of Chica and Montgomery, it would take them at least a good while before they got back. Heck, it took me a while to get to Roxanne's green room from the way from Fazcade. I probably would've gotten here sooner if I didn't have to hide from the Daycare Attendant.

It turned out that I didn't make it before the end of the hour. I had to hide in the recharge station in the Daycare because it was the closest one at the time. There was no way in hell I wanted to bump into that creepy bastard despite the fact that I wanted to get a bit of payback for what he did back in the Utility Hallways. At some point, something had to be done about the Daycare Attendant. He was no doubt going to get in the way for the rest of the night, which I didn't want.

To top it off, I also noticed something strange. I saw no signs of Chica or Montgomery anywhere in the Atrium or in the Lobby. It all seemed to be very strange to me. I couldn't understand why they weren't in any of those locations. If I had to guess, I say that they might be more focused on Gregory rather than me. That makes things slightly easier for me.

"So, shall we wait until they get here?" I asked.

"We should," Lisa said with a nod. "It's important that they hear this too."

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