Chapter Nineteen: Princess Quest II

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We entered the Atrium, where Roxy Raceway was. Although Gregory and I had been there not too long ago to meet up with Freddy and Roxanne, we technically didn't enter the main attraction itself. Along the way, I felt like a coward. I had found the bodies but didn't have the guts to tell them. Plus, I didn't want to waste any time explaining after realizing what this all had been the entire time. I knew what I had to do. I couldn't just wait to tell them. I had to tell them... now.

I stopped in my tracks, the others doing the same. I turned to face them. I took a deep breath, steeling myself and my nerves for what I was going to tell them.

"Guys, before we continue, there's something I have to tell you," I said. "It's... about what I found."

"We've been wondering what it was," Roxanne said. "I'd never seen you so pale before. Something truly frightened you. What is it that you found?"

I clenched my hands into fists for a moment before relaxing. I had to do this. I couldn't just hide this from them. If I did, I had no idea how I was going to live with myself, especially since I had plans to tell my father about it. I had no idea how she would feel if she found out I hid this, especially Lisa.

"You see," I began to say. "Back in your green room, I had said something about seeing something. Well, it was a little girl I had never seen before. Didn't even look like any of the missing kids from what I was able to tell. I followed after her, but as I did, I noticed that there was something strange about her. It was like she was a ghost or something.

"Eventually, I found a secret door that was marked by paint of some kind or something. When I opened it, I discovered a security room of some kind. But that wasn't what terrified me the most. What did... was what was lying in the middle of the room.

"Guys... I found them. The remains of the missing kids. If I have to guess, Vanny must've lured them there, did God knows what to them, and killed them. If that wasn't bad enough, I found pictures on the wall. All of them of the kids that had gone missing. To make it much worse, I found a picture of Lisa among them. There was writing on the back that said something about waiting for the older brother to arrive.

"It took me a moment to fully understand all of it." I aimed my attention at Lisa. "Lisa, your disappearance was planned. This was all a scheme to lure me here. She knew that I would do anything for you so she kidnapped you and waited for me to come here to come find you. All of this was a plan to kill me and do God knows what to me. All of this... was a trap."

I closed my eyes, letting out a sigh as I did. I did it. I told them what I found earlier. My shoulders felt much lighter like a huge weight had been lifted off of them. I had no idea what was going on in their heads, but if I had to guess, it was them trying to digest what I had just told them.

Honestly, I didn't know what to expect to happen. For all I knew, they could be thinking that I was kidding. That I was making this up and get angry at me. I hoped Lisa of all people wouldn't think that. She knew that I wasn't one to make things up. It wasn't in my nature to do that. That was basically asking her to lose trust in me once this was all said and done.

I opened my eyes to see them looking at me in horror. Their mouths hung open, their eyes wide open. I stared at them for a moment, wondering what they were going to do next.

It took them a moment for them to snap out of their trances.

"You... found the bodies?" Lisa asked, horror clear in her tone. I nodded my head, unable to find the strength to speak.

"I don't know what to say about this," Roxanne said, horror clear in her tone as well. "It sounds like a fabricated story, but at the same time, I don't think it is."

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