Chapter Four: Taking Matters

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I stared at the ceiling of my bedroom, still thinking about what happened back at the Pizzaplex. I growled slightly at the memories. I didn't know why, but my interaction with Roxanne Wolf lingered in my mind. Like, for God's sake, it was just a simple interaction! It really shouldn't have been THAT big of a deal anyway. Yet, my mind was acting like it was.

To top it off, my sister's behavior didn't help with any of this as well. Despite how I felt about her not telling me anything, I was still very grateful for what she tried to do for me. I couldn't even imagine what was going through Lisa's mind, knowing that her attempts to help me gain my first friend, though there was a good hint of what she was thinking when my father drove us home.

It also didn't help that she was all upset over it for the rest of the day. The cheerful girl we all knew was replaced with a gloomy gal, looking at me with a big frown on her face. I love my sister, but she didn't have to be all gloomy about my honesty about how I felt about Roxanne like that.

Thinking about Roxanne, the thought of being friends with her did sound nice. To finally have someone be by your side, having your back whenever you need them, etc. That's something I need in my life, but at the same time, it didn't sound so great.

Sure, having friends is a huge benefit in life, but the problem nowadays is finding the ones that won't stab you in the back at any moment. That, and there's them hiding their true colors. They might act all nice and supportive, but with the flick of a switch, they can change into something else, thus revealing their true selves with your very eyes.

Back when I was a kid, I tried to make friends, but of course, me being paler than others, along with the simple fact that I was the smartest kid in the school didn't help with trying to get any from the very start. Thinking about that, I guess it also had something to do with me doing things without thinking about them a little more properly. I was aware of that problem, yet it was something I had a hard time trying to overcome. There are things about your own personality that are hard to change or overcome.

I rolled over onto my left side and grabbed my phone. I turned it on to check the time. It read 10:36 PM. I sighed before placing the phone back in its original place.

'Time to get some sleep,' I thought to myself before taking off my pajamas, leaving me in my undergarments. There were nights when I slept with my pajamas on or slept in my undergarments.

I folded them and placed them on the chair. I hopped back onto my bed, lying on my back for a while before rolling onto my right side. I rested the covers on me and sighed.

'Hopefully, tomorrow will be better,' I thought to myself before I closed my eyes, slowly slipping away into unconsciousness.

*APRIL 27 2028*

"Big brother... big brother, wake up," whispered a soft voice in my ear. I groaned loudly as I shifted in my bed. I rolled onto my back as I opened my eyes.

I looked to see Lisa staring at me with a slight smile plastered on her face. I smiled mentally upon seeing that. It was nice to see her smiling now, though something told me she was still upset over her failure from yesterday. My heart stung a little at that, but what could I do?

"Morning, Lisa," I said. I noticed that she was all dressed for school, something that was usually rare for her to do.

"Good morning, Mihael," she said softly, that smile still on her face. We stared at each other for a brief moment. "Did you sleep alright?"

I was a little taken aback by the question. That wasn't something Lisa would ask me. In fact, thinking about that, she would usually call me 'sleepyhead' every time she woke me up. I had a gut feeling as to why she wasn't her usual cheery self. Looks like it might have affected her more than ever.

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