Book 3 Reveal!

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Hey guys, Mikey7299 here and I am here to give you guys an early Christmas treat!

I am still on vacation and I promise when I say that I will take that time to refill my juices and relax and enjoy things before I worked on Robotic Night. I am here to show you guys the cover for Book 3 when it releases next year.

I won't be giving out any release dates, something I will do once I am ready to get back into writing, however, I will show you the cover and the song that inspired most of the plot, which I have in mind.

The cover:

The cover:

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And finally, the song:

That is all for now. The release date for it will be released on a post when I finally get back into it. Hope to see you guys when Book 3 is released to the world!!! :)


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