15: it's the endgame now

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Selena's pov

my mom comes into my office and says, "Tony's home." and I ask, "who's going to watch my kid?" and she says, "bring her.." I nodded and extend my hand to Gracie. she grabs it and we head to where everyone is. the ship landed and we see Tony. dad and I run up to him to help him. and Tony says, "I couldn't stop him." and Cap says, "neither could we." and Tony says, "I lost the kid." (talking about Peter Parker) and I say, "Tony. we lost everybody. I lost the father of my kid." and he says, "kid?" and I pointed to Gracie. he smiles and says, "one of my favorite kids has a kid." I smile and pepper hugs him. we go to the compound to have a meeting.


I say, "it's been 23 days since that mad man came to earth." and Mom says, "world governments are in pieces. the parts that are still working are trying to take a census and it looks like he did exactly what he said he was going to do. Thanos wiped out 50% half of all living creatures." and Tony asks, "where is he now? where?" and dad says, "we don't know. he just opened a portal and walked through. and he asked, "what's wrong with him?" meaning my brother in law. and one of my friends, Rocket, says, "oh, he's pissed. he thinks he failed." and my daughter went over to give her uncle a hug and he puts her on his lap and hugs her. I smiled and hug him too. and dad says, "we've been hunting Thanos for three weeks now." and I say, "deep space scans and satellites, and we got nothing." and dad says, "Tony, you fought him." and Tony asks, "who told you that? I didn't fight him, no. he wiped my face with a planet. while the wizard gave away the store. that's what happened. there was no fight, cause he's not beatable." and dad asks, "did he give you any clues, any coordinates, anything?" and I say, "dad. don't push it." and Stark says, "it's okay, kiddo." and Tony says, "I saw this coming a few years back. I had a vision. I didn't want to believe it. Selena was there. I thought I was dreaming." and dad says, "Tony, I'm going to need you to focus." and Tony says, "and I needed you. as in, past tense. that trumps what you need. it's too late, buddy. sorry. you know what I need? I need a shave. and I believe I remember telling all of you that we needed was a suit of armor around the world. remember that? whether it impacted our precious freedoms or not. that's what we needed." and dad said. "well. that didn't work out, did it?" and Tony says, "I said we'd loose. you said, "we'd do that together, too" and guess what Cap, we lost. and you weren't there. but that's what we do, right? our best work after the fact? we're the Avengers. not the Pre~vengers." and I hold him up and Rhodes helps me. and Tony says, "bunch of tired old mules. I got nothing for you, Cap. I got no coordinates, no strategies, no options. zip, zero, nada. no trust, liar." and him after yelling at cap, he passes out. we help him in to a bed and get some meds into him. he's going to be fine. and Rhodes said he's going to be out for the rest of the day. and me and the new girl are going to kill Thanos and I bring my little girl. Carol says to me, "ready?" and I say, "ready as hell." and mom says, "hey. you know, we usually work as a team here. baby girl, I know you're hurting but between you and I, morale's a little fragile." and the others talk and I say, "mama. please be on my side for now." she nodded and she picks up Gracie and we walk  to the ship.

on the ship

everyone's in their seats and Rocket says, "who here hasn't been to space?" and my mom, dad, and Rhodes raise their hands and I say, "don't throw up guys." and they laugh and Nebula says, "approaching jumping in 3, 2, 1!" and as soon as we reached the planet that the mad man is on, Carol goes down to see. she came back and says, "no satellites, no ships, no armies. no ground defenses of any kind. it's just him." and I say, "that's enough." and we go down to the planet.

on the planet.

we crash into Thanos's little home of his and he groans as we attack him and Rocket grabbed his glove thing and says, "oh, no." I walked a head of dad and mom and I say, "fuck!" (don't worry. my kid is on the ship.) and dad asks, "where are they?" and Carol says, "answer the question." and Thanos says, "the universe required correction. after that, the stones served no purpose. beyond temptation." and banner pushes him in his armor and yells, "you murdered trillions!" and Thanos says, "you should be grateful." and mom asks, "where are the stones?" and I grabbed my mom's hand and Thanos said, "gone. reduced to atoms." and banner says, "you used them to days ago." and I said, "he used the stones to destroy the stones." and the mad man says, "it nearly killed me. but the work is done. it always will be. I am inevitable." and everyone else talks as I walks out. I watch my brother in law slice the titan's head off but I just head to the ship and my little girl  is sleeping.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2022 ⏰

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