Part 5

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"Your highness, you have a letter from Cale Henituse."

Alver cringed despite himself. It had been a rather stressful spring day, a difficult season for him regardless of difficulty, and he really wasn't looking forward to Cale's normal threats to never come back. His increasingly complicated emotions regarding him made it all the more unsavory and so Alver sent his aunt a strained smile. "Please place it on my desk."

Tasha wore a queer expression as she obeyed. "It's not addressed to you, your highness."

Alver blinked owlishly, placing down his quill and finally looking at the envelope Tasha had brought.

Just as she'd said, it lacked the usual unnecessarily aggressive calligraphy of Alver's name. Instead it was addressed to the fake name Alver had given Cale.


It was good he'd told Tasha about those matters otherwise the letter might not have made it to him at all. He picked it up, a strangely awkward feeling filling him as he carefully extracted the letter inside. A part of him couldn't really imagine Cale sending a letter that wasn't overtly threatening but also he couldn't imagine what issue Cale might have with 'Bob' to threaten him so. His heart spiked fearfully as he thought that just maybe Cale had seen through his deception.

[ Dear Bob,

I hope you've been doing well. Things are much the same here. Please feel free to discard this letter if it causes you any discomfort. I was taking some time to clear my head in the gardens and I thought of you. It must be difficult working in the palace at such a young age. I hope you're taking the proper time to rest. If it ever becomes too difficult to work there, you'll always be welcome to work at the Henituse estate.

I confess that I really don't know what to say. It's been lonely since you left. I never had the courage to tell you while you were here, but I considered you a friend. I don't say this to pressure you, I just wanted to express how I felt about our time together. Regardless of whether you felt the same, I wanted to thank you. You were there when I needed a friend. It likely didn't mean very much to you but it was important to me.

If you wouldn't mind, I would like the opportunity to exchange letters with you occasionally. If it's too difficult a request, I entirely understand and I won't broach the topic again. I miss talking to you but that's my own selfish feeling.

I'm sorry. I know this letter is impertinent. In all likelihood you were only remaining at my side due to my status. I understand that my request could put you in a difficult position. Please refuse if it's difficult. I swear on my family name that I would never hold that against you.

I just ask that you please reply at all, even if it's only to offer a refusal. I'm afraid that being left awaiting a reply that will never come makes me uneasy. I apologize for being insistent on this point but it's important to me.

I hope that you are healthy and that your days are filled with happiness. I look forward to your reply regardless of how you decide to reply to my request. To me, you will always be a treasured friend. Thank you for taking the time to read this.


Cale Henituse]

Who would believe this written by a nine year old? Alver could see the places where his hand hesitated and he wondered if this was really the first draft. Even so, it was so dreadfully eloquent and hesitant. It was ill-suited for a brat or any child for that matter. Weren't children supposed to fearlessly announce adorably we're friends now! Or I like you lots! Instead of spending paragraphs apologizing for daring to have the impertinence to develop even the faintest of affections.

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