Part 13

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[ I still think you're a pompous asshole. What's the use of putting on a fake smile to get what you want? It's stupid.]

[ What's the purpose in throwing a chair at an unsuspecting servant? I hardly think you're in a position to judge me for being a liar.]

[ So you admit to being fake, squirrel fucker. And how the fuck did you know about that?]

[ It's my job to know about any notable information regarding the nobility of this kingdom. The eldest son of the Henituse territory committing assault is hardly a matter that I can ignore. As for 'admitting' to being dishonest, I merely compared my smile to your act of violence. You're the one who connected the two behaviors as being similarly false.]

[ Eat a squirrel dick, you giant pompous asshole. And how the fuck would throwing the chair be a fucking lie? It literally happened.]

[ It didn't hit him though. I notice that none of the things you throw ever do hit their targets. Are you perhaps bad at aiming? If you would like, I could provide a few pointers. First of all, in order to actually hit your target, one ought to have the actual intention to do so. You seem to have failed from the very beginning in this particular aspect.]

[ How about you come here early this year and we experiment with just how 'bad' my aim is, you piece of shit.]

[ As much as I would love to accept your kind invitation, unfortunately I'd much rather spend the final vestiges of summer solidifying my base in the south. However, should you require my attention for anything that is less likely to result in a treasonable offense, I would love to see you.]

[ Eat shit. If my aim is so fucking bad, there's no danger to you, right? So get off your pompous ass and let's experiment.]

[ The trouble is that while you have no intention of hitting a servant, you have every intention of smashing my head in. Tragically I have no future aspirations of perishing at your hands.]

[ Coward. You're still in the South? Did you fuck up? I told you that your fake smile was going to get you in trouble. Idiot.]

[ As much as I appreciate your concern for my well-being, it is actually going exceptionally well. My stay has been extended as the amount of work has expanded. Thank you for caring though, I treasure it.]

[ You sarcastic asshole. Who the fuck is worried about you? It's just easier to throw shit at you if you return in one piece.]

[ I will endeavor to do so, solely for your sake.]

[ Fuck off.]

Snippets of letters over weeks and months and nearly a year.

Autumn swept through the garden with a force that sent the leaves fleeing for a touch of sunlight before it disappeared beneath the winter chill.

Alver watched the leaf fall with a sense that he too was falling at the whims of a harsh wind. Never quite able to balance his footing and always having to dance upon the currents to stay afloat.

He was finally at an age where he could reasonably contend for the position of crown prince with enough support that establishing himself wouldn't be foolishly suicidal. He had the strength and opportunity to take the first large and visible step towards attaining his aspirations and ending his years of indignity, living like a stranger in his home and hiding every trace of his strengths.

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