Part 18

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[ ...idiot, have you slept even once since your last letter or are you aiming to break some sort of insane record? Also I received your damn package. The fuck is the winter coat for? Another thing...]

[ ...the winter coat is so that you won't miss my warm smile in these harsh winter months. I could never deprive you of...]

[ ...the fucking coat made good kindling at least. Roksu and the damn cats send their regards for having a warm fire...]

[ ...I've been meaning to ask for ages now, why a squirrel of all things? I've never been able to make the connection...]

[ ...Ron mentioned in passing that you looked like a squirrel hurrying to hide his nuts... flowers blooming again which only makes me think of that fucking package you sent last month...]

[ ...I heard there was an unexpected summer storm, was everything alright? I trust that you...]

[ ...worry too fucking much. Maybe worry about actually fucking sleeping at night before you mention anything about a damn storm. Beside that, you're traveling again? Isn't about time you learned how to delegate? I swear you're such a...]

['s particularly cold this winter, are you wearing the coat I got you? Should I send another one? Please send my regards to...]

[ ...I told you that I fucking burnt it. You're really an intolerably arrogant fool. And what the hell are the rumors about you and your personal knight...]

[ ...swordmaster. Oh, and another coat will be along shortly. I can't have you catching ill. Whatever would I do without your wit as my companion...]

[ ...take your sarcasm and shove it so far up...]

[ ...a hot summer, please do stay indoors. There were three guards only this month who caught heat stroke. I've heard that you spend more time out in the city...]

[ ...fuckign stalker. Did you get the book I sent you...]

How many letters had they exchanged. Cale had lost count some time ago. There had to be hundreds and yet, he never seemed at a loss for something to say. Something to ask about. Something to comment on. He never felt as though it was a chore to respond. Quite the contrary, he awaited each letter with an ill-defined eagerness and a reply already half composed in his head.

It had been three years since the last winter they spent together and three years since talks of annulment had begun. Apparently his father was still quite against it and King Zed was unwilling to do anything at all in favor of his eldest son. To his credit, for however much this could be credited to him, Zed didn't work against his son. He just did nothing to help or protect him.

It left a foul taste in Cale's mouth but there was simply nothing he had any power to do. That's just the way it is, Zed is a king and they were all beneath him.

Something in Cale's gnarled soul rioted at the concept but it was muted behind years of learned helplessness. Cale had spent his time and energy developing a persona to protect his step family because he accepted that the status quo of the kingdom, who had power and who had influence, was just the way it is and he had yet to see the limitations in this perspective.

He had other matters occupying his thoughts.

It had been three years since they last met and Cale was now fifteen. For what it was worth, Basen had become more established and the toddler Lily was beloved by all. The world had adjusted to the new normal and as it became apparent that Cale wasn't going to change, hopes for the future of the territory naturally turned to Basen.

Winter AfflictionWhere stories live. Discover now