Part 11

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Ignorance wasn't a crime, but sometimes it ought to be one.

There was no limit to the amount of harm that can be caused by an otherwise good person who merely lacked the sufficient information required to make appropriate decisions. Ignorance can be harmless and it can also ruin lives.

Humans were somewhat infamous for failing to fill the gaps in their ignorance. Not so much as any one individual but as a species as a whole, humanity lacked an apparent desire to correct misconceptions.

Alongside the deadly words that Cale despised that's just the way things are, it was a combination that was headed for disaster.

To list the number of tragedies to have occurred over the years due to well-meaning ignorance would be a tiresome and pointless endeavor. The facts were simple. Acts made with the kindest of intentions could sometimes do the most harm.

Deruth and Jour Henituse weren't terrible people or even terrible parents. It was common knowledge for humans that there was only one way to safely protect an omega. That an early engagement was the best way and that there were no other solutions to the problems that arouse with pheromones and heat. These were problems that simply couldn't be solved unless an omega found a mate.

Humanity hadn't heard of suppressants and those that had normally didn't have the voice to spread the word or even the necessity to do so. Secondary gender was such an extreme minority among humanity that no one really felt there was a problem with the situation.

Violan Henituse suspected there was a problem though.

She had known her stepson for just about two years and while it would be an incredible lie to state that they were close, she was certainly observant enough to grasp just who he was.

Cale Henituse was never going to be a person who would be happy living in submission to another.

Perhaps Violan was uniquely qualified to understand among those involved in Cale's life. She was a woman who had been raised in a society that pressured finding a husband above her own personal success and passions. She was a woman who held her head tall with or without the support of a significant other.

Deruth had assured her that he had been over the materials again and again, searching for any other way to help Cale, and that this was the answer that came up through all the research. It was best to leave him be and to push him towards his future mate as much as possible. Besides, Alver was a kind boy and he'd already shown that he would be a compassionate protector for Cale.

That was the best that they could hope for.

Violan was similar to her stepson in one specific way. She really didn't care for that's just the way things are either. She understood the reality of it and held herself with elegant grace against it.

She was a woman who had defied the odds against her. And she'd achieved great love in her life despite how unlikely it had been for her at times.

How could she deny her stepson happiness by submitting to that's just the way things are without careful consideration? It was worth the time to try at least.

Violan had seen how Cale reacted to the prince. While she agreed with her husband that there was nothing wrong with Alver Crossman as a suitor, he truly was a kind and warmhearted child who would surely make any partner happy.

Violan was familiar with that as well. Other people would want this and therefore you should want this as well. Other people would want to wear their flowing locks down past the shoulders and therefore she should want that as well. Other people would want to luxuriate in the riches of her new life and therefore she should want that as well.

Winter AfflictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora