Part 29

434 28 3

[ It's been awhile since our last correspondence. Have you been well?]

Alver wasn't making a rational decision. Not by a long shot. The best course of action was to ignore his feelings and find a better way. To be the Crown Prince of the Roan Kingdom above all else.

[ I know I don't have any right to ask anything from you and I know there's nothing between us.]

The best course of action just wasn't an option.

Alver could be rational if it were any other circumstance. Any other person. He could hold himself back and behave as he should as the future king. He could be the person he was supposed to be.

[ I need your help. You're the only person I can turn to.]

The procession moved slowly along and Alver took care not to attract any attention to himself, his fists clenching at the memory of the letter.

[ Please.]

How desperate and scared must Cale have been to subdue himself to such an extent? To prostrate himself and beg a man that he couldn't stand for help?

Alver couldn't act rationally. Not right now. Not about this.

However, behaving irrationally and behaving foolishly were indeed two separate things.

Alver had no intention of allowing Adin to have his way. Adin was adept at handling situations with subterfuge and lies. Manipulations and cruelty.

That suited Alver just fine. He was quite good at playing dirty as well.

The Roan Kingdom might not have the might to take on the Mogoru Empire but there was no reason that they had to in order to solve the various aggressions that Adin had laid before Alver, taunting him and mocking his efforts to achieve prosperity.

There were better ways but Alver couldn't consider them.

Not when any one of them might take him away from Cale's side.

The carriage containing Cale Henituse on his way to his engagement ceremony within the Mogoru Empire was mere feet away from Alver, where he rode a horse as one of the many armed guards that Count Deruth had generously provided.

It was baffling how much of a fool Deruth could be. He clearly loved his son, he clearly wanted to protect him, but he chose again and again to take part in acts that endangered or hurt Cale. When all of this was over, Alver planned to have a much more pointed conversation with Deruth. He'd create new laws if he had to but one way or another, he had to ensure Cale's safety.

For now though, he just had to remain at his side.

The curtain for Cale's carriage fluttered and Alver caught sight of a pale hand. His heart sped up.

The real inconvenience was that every single glimpse he got of Cale reminded him of his feelings. It was best if he didn't interact with Cale though, best if Cale didn't even know he was there. He sent back a brief letter assuring Cale that he would help but showing his face to Cale now after all this time could only cause trouble.

Especially when all he wanted to do was to hold him close and never let go.

Alver had to wonder. Just how long had he gone, foolishly in love with Cale and never even realizing it? How long had he wanted nothing more than to remain by his side?

He couldn't exactly find out when. He'd always thought his feelings for Cale were platonic but they had always been strong. He felt a bit embarrassed about his letters now, helplessly sending letters to the person he loved even while knowing that the feelings would never be reciprocated felt awfully pathetic. Even more pathetic than chasing after a lost friendship.

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