Chapter 7

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I sighed as I raised my hands and gently pulled back my hair..."I can't take this anymore..."I said softly again...

"Donna,please..."I heard his soft voice as he approached me and went to grab my face in his hands..."No!!"I yelled as I took a step backwards...

"Don't you even dare to touch me!!I became like this because of you!!!I changed because of you,but I will not be your puppet anymore..."I said as I inhaled deeply...

"You are more than that..."he said again..."Really?Cause I can't see that..."I said and inhaled deeply..."Baby,please..."he said again...

"Don't baby me Elvis!I am done!!"I yelled as I started taking apart every single thing on me...My clothes,the hairpins that were holding up my hair...

"I..I didn't know..."he said softly again..."Don't bullshit me Elvis...For a whole damn year,I am dying by your side and you don't seem to care at all..."I said...

I thought that the tears that were escaping from my eyes,they were going to drown me..."Donna...Donna I am sorry..."he said softly again...

"I am not some magical obgect that can magically be fixed by just saying no you know...I am a human...Your supposed girlfriend that repeteadly gets cheated on by you..."I said...

He seemed hurt by my words but it was the truth...It was what every single newspaper said that was happening in my shared life with Elvis...

I was still crying as he was looking at me...That's when I found the chance to speak..."I have fallen in love with you...I love you Elvis..."

"I love you more than all these girls you surround yourself with,will ever love you...I want you...I want you more than anything and you don't care at all..."

"I am being publicly humiliated,over and over again,being the woman that gets cheated on by the King with some other girl...And I stay....Only because I love you..."

"But I can't do this anymore...I don't want to do what I am thinking,but I will...You have to choose...Me or all the other girls that surround you..."I said...

I started packing my stuff while he was still there..."Donna,please..."I heard him saying right before I exited the room...

I got in a taxi and told the driver to go to the airport...When I arrived there,I searched for a few minutes,for a flight that I could go in and sighed...

When I got in and the plane started,I felt like I could breath again...

Who knew that by getting away from the man I had fallen in love with,I would feel alive and so free?
A few weeks later
I was trying and trying to contain myself and not get in a plane,to go back to Elvis...He had crawled under my skin...

But it seemed like he had found me...I was crossing the street after visiting my friend when I suddenly saw him...His blue eyes...

His blue eyes were red and seemed sad...His hair was messy but he was still the charming man he was known to be in my eyes...

I clenched my teeth...My hands started shaking,and all I wanted was to avoid him...I turned and started walking away,but footsteps were heard behind me...

"Donna..."I heard his soft voice and I inhaled deeply...I was in the street,but even there it seemed like Elvis's scent wanted to be noticed by me...By my nose...

"No Elvis!Leave me alone...We are done..."I said as I was still walking..."Donna,please,just let me talk to you..."he said again...

"I don't want to hear you,just leave me alone please..."I said as I went to cross the street again...But I was a fool this time...

Cause I hadn't checked if the road was clear from any passing cars...When I was in the middle of the street,I saw a light with the side of my eyes flashing...

At the same time,I heard his voice:"Donna!!!"For once,he seemed worried for me...But I didn't have the chance to speak...

A car hit me with a huge force,sending me "flying"in the air,as I came crushing down to the concrete road,a few meters away from the stopped car...

I instantly felt myself getting dizzy...I heard someone running towards me,and a few seconds later,I saw Elvis kneeling next to me and looking at me...

His baby blue eyes were stained with tears...He reached out his hands and grabbed my face..."Donna...Donna please,don't close your eyes..."he said...

His face was getting stained with tears even more now...I was breathing heavily,as I felt a small stream of blood exiting from my left nostril...

"No,no,no!"I heard him saying repeatedly as he wiped it...My body was in pain,and all I wanted was to close my eyes...

You know...This was the only way where I could die in peace...With him holding me...And me...Just looking at the blue eyes I adored more than anything...

My eyes started slowly closing as he started frantically shaking my head,while saying:"No,no!Baby,look at me and don't close your eyes...Please.."

"I didn't have the chance to show you how much I love you...I didn't have my chance in life with you...Please...Please,don't leave me..."

"I will never forgive myself if you leave me...Please,just hold on baby...I didn't have the chance to love you...I didn't have the chance to make babies...Lots of babies with you..."

"I want to marry you...For God's sake...I want to grow old with you...Just please hold on...Please..."I was hearing him saying again and again...

Oh...How I loved this man...Even close to death...

𝐁𝐥𝐮𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐥Where stories live. Discover now