Study groups

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Quick heads up things will be out of order this chapter and I am doing this on purpose just so you are aware.

"Hey, Ayanokoji. What do you think about the S-System?" Horikita asked

"Hmmm... I don't really have an opinion about it,"

We were currently in the school pool for our gym class and everyone was swimming or hanging out trying to forget about what just happened. For this month we would be getting 0 points, luckily I still had around 82,000 points left so I was good.

"You never have opinions. By the way, do you work out Ayanokoji?"

"No I just got lucky with a good body,"

"Still though the way your forearms are-" then she was cut off by someone walking up to us 

"I see that you are the strongest! Fight me!" Milim said running up to me

This whole month she has been trying to fight p[people but no one wants to fight her.

"What do you mean?" I asked

"Haha... Nothing can escape my Milim's eye!"

'What? does she have a case of main character syndrome?' I thought

"I'm leaving," Horikita said

"Ok Bye! Now fight Ayanokoje"

"It's Ayanokoji and no thanks," I said as I started to leave as well

The next day we were all talking about how to not fail the next Exam when Hirata spoke up "Everyone, we would like to hold study sessions, if people are interested in tutoring please let me know,"

With that everyone swarmed Hirata's table

"You should Tutor," I said to Horikita

"And you should be joining a study group,"

I let out a sigh and started to leave when Hirata called out to me "Ayanokoji do you want to join my study group?"

"No thank you, I prefer to study alone,"

"Oh, I see. Good luck then!"

It was around the night when I decided to go out on a walk, but then I ran into someone Yuuichi.

"Oh, you're Yuuichi right?"

"Oh yea," He said while scratching the back of his head "You're Ayankoji right?"

"Yea. Mind if we walk together? If you're not busy,"

"Oh yea, I have no issue with that,"

We then proceeded to walk while we talked about the current class predicament

"Are you going to join a study group?" I asked

"Yea, I think I'm going to join Hirata's,"

As we were walking we noticed Kushida walking toward a bench near a fence. We both exchanged glances trying to pry into each other to see what we were going to do

"Wanna go check it out?"

"I don't really like invading people's privacy but why not," I said as we both snuck up from behind and listened in

"Horikita you Piece of #%$$ %#@$#$@! I hope you $#%%..."

She just kept on ranting and ranting about Horikita and how much she hated her when Yuuichi's phone rang.

I thought about fleeing but I wanted to see what Kushida and Yuuichi would do so I secretly started recording

"Who's there?" Kushida yelled out

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