Once Bullied Always Bullied

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I woke up later that day and went to my next meeting. Nothing happened at all. Tanjiro just asked if we should play cards again.

After the meeting, Karuizawa went up to Machida to go out for dinner. It wasn't really my business though so I left to go back to my room.

(Kei POV)

'Why do I have to go out with this idiot?'

Even though I wondered that it was my fault in the first place so I didn't really have the right to complain. We went to a high-end restaurant and ordered food.

He kept on hitting on me which made me feel kind of awkward but I didn't say anything.

As the night went on he kept on making more and more remarks about how I look and such and apparently someone picked up on that

"Oi, did you force this girl to go out with you or something?"

The boy had yellow hair and a curly eyebrow. I wanted him to leave but he seemed like someone who would help any woman so it seemed pointless.

"What are you talking about? She asked me out,"

"Yea, but have you noticed how she has been reacting to you? She clearly doesn't want to be here," He then turned his attention to me "Now I would be delighted to take you for something to eat, just name the time and place and I'll be there,"

Normally any girl would thank him for getting her out of this situation but I needed Machida. I am a parasite after all I need a host for right now since Hirata isn't around.

"Shut it Curly Eyebrows. I'm having a great time,"

"C-Curly eyebrows," He then turned away with him sulking 

"Ha, Serves you right. You wish you could date a girl as good as this don't you?" Machida yelled back

But this didn't set too well with Sanji and he turned around and kicked him right in the jaw knocking him out.

"Pardon my rudeness but I still have my limits," he said with a bow and then he left.

Weird guy... Anyway, after calming everyone down I left leaving him with the tab. You would think that anyone wouldn't want to go out with you again after that but I'm beautiful and this guy is thirsty. It's inevitable that he'll talk to me again

As I went back into my room I decided to take a shower and I turned on the water and got in only to burst into tears a second later

'Why? Why am I like this?' I always ask myself that. I hate being the person that I am but if it protects me... then so be it.

(Ayanokoji POV)

I was sitting in bed when Koenji came back into the room. Currently, Yukimura was also in the room reading.

"Koenji how are things going in your group?" Yukimura asked

"Does it matter? I say I'm doing just fine,"

"Koenji! Work with us for once!"

"Fine," He then pulled out his phone and messaged someone "Done,"

After that, we all got a notification on our phones. "Monkey Group test has ended,"

"KOENJI!" Yukimura yelled

"I helped. Now move you're in the way,"

The next day we went to the meeting room again and the same thing happened, we just kept playing cards.

At the end of the meeting though Manabe and her friends started following Karuizawa

"Do... you think we should follow?" Yukimura asked

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