Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

While sorting through the frozen food aisle at the grocery store, Jennie allows her mind to drift. She thinks of art, how she hasn't gotten a chance to paint in a long while. There is an art store down the street—it sells simple things, colored pencils and cheap canvases—and Jennie thinks that she could stop by later. She just needs to break away from her parents for a bit.

Jennie grabs broccoli out of the assortment of cold vegetables and puts the bag in the shopping cart. She backs up, accidentally bumping into another person behind her.

"Sorry." She apologizes.

The person laughs, velvet and familiar, and Jennie instantly freezes.


He stands in front of her, wet curls slicked back and darkened to a deep brown. His clothes look damp, spotted with water in several places, and a blue Goodwin Boarding School towel hangs limply around his shoulders.

"Hey, Jennie." Kai smiles goodnaturedly. "How are you?"

"Oh, uh. Good." Jennie tries not to stammer. She forgets to ask him about himself. She didn't think she would see him here or ever.

He steps closer with his arms outstretched and pulls her into a stiff hug, his chest hard against her cheek. Jennie accepts the embrace, feeling rather awkward and uncomfortable.

Kai lets her go, but continues to stand a little too close for comfort. "Wow. Long time no see."

"Yeah..." She trails off, clutching her vegetables and wishing to be swallowed whole by the floor.

"Uh." He clears his throat, wiping his hands on his jeans. Jennie wonders if his palms are still wet from swim practice or if he feels uncomfortable, too, and his hands are sweating. "I've got to go. It was nice seeing you, though."

"Yeah. See you."

Jennie watches him go and only exhales once she sees him turn a corner. Fuck. Can she not even go grocery shopping without running into exes?

Seeing Kai again stirs up an unpleasant mix of emotions in her gut that she'd rather avoid. It still unsettles her to look at him. She stands there for a moment before shaking it off and leaving to search for her family. Jennie finds her parents by the meat section, debating over chicken or steak for tonight's dinner.

"My vote's for steak." Jennie adds, as she saddles up next to her mom.

Her mom nods, agreeing. "See? It's the superior choice."

Her dad rolls his eyes and mutters something under his breath that sounds like traitors, but loads the packaged steak into the shopping cart. Together, they move through the aisles, checking items off of their grocery list as they go. Once they get to the checkout line, Jennie considers the possibility of stopping by the art shop again and asks her father about it.

"Hey, Dad." She taps his forearm. "Is it okay if I drop by that art store down the street?"

"Sure." He agrees easily.

Jennie steps out of line. "I'll be back in a few."

She leaves the grocery store and walks down the street on her own, feeling a sense of mild ease at being able to view art again. A bell chimes above her head as she passes through the doorway, an inviting sound. Jennie locates an aisle with various kinds of paints soon enough. She lightly traces a hand over them, brushing blues, reds, and golds with her fingertips. It feels... safe. All these colors clear Jennie's mind, offering up some clarity.

Letterman (Chaennie)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora