Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

It's almost noon when Jennie rolls out of bed with an absurd amount of difficulty. Her stomach turns to an instant mess at the small action and her head is no better, hammering against her skull like it has something to prove.


She places a hand over her rumbling stomach, feeling it jolt unpleasantly. Shit. Jennie seriously doubts that she'll make it through the morning without throwing up at some point. She forgot just how bad her hangovers can get when she lets the team decide how much she's drinking.

Once her insides have settled somewhat, Jennie grabs a change of clothes, some socks, and her phone, and goes to take a shower. She's barely two steps outside of her room when she trips over something living that hisses at her, causing her to land flat on her face.

"Ow! Damn it!"

Kuma, her cat and resident asshole at the house, blinks innocently at her. His hair is thick and dark orange, giving him the appearance of an adorable, very fluffy animal, but Jennie knows that under all of the cuteness a demon lurks underneath.

"You did that on purpose." Jennie grumbles angrily at the cat, who tilts his head, as if mocking her.

Apparently satisfied with the amount of pain that he's caused, Kuma struts away from her, his tail held high in the air and a smug expression on his tiny face. The jerk.

She struggles to get to her feet. Her head hurts so bad and Kuma's sabotage definitely did not help. Jennie more or less limps to the bathroom and shuts herself in it. Stripping down and finally getting into the shower is a relief, the steaming water washing away some of her pain. She stays in there long enough that her fingertips begin to wrinkle, then she steps out into the now humid room. All she wants to do for the rest of the day is bury herself in her favorite jacket and rewatch the Harry Potter movies, but she can't.

Her Harry Potter DVDs are perfectly fine, but her jacket, on the other hand, is not. It's elsewhere.

Why? Because of Rosie, of course.

Rosie has been rubbing her the wrong way lately. Actually, Rosie has been rubbing her the wrong way since they met. The only reason she thought that Rosie was half-okay last night was because she happened to be in the bathroom at the same time as her and happened to help her out, but otherwise Rosie has been nothing but utterly irritating.

Snatching her phone off the sink, Jennie types out a text to Rosie, not pausing to think.

Jennie [11:47am]:
You still have my jacket.

She waits a minute, until she sees that Rosie has read her text without leaving a response.

Jennie [11:48am]:
:( !

Rosie [11:48am]:
don't be a baby

Jennie [11:48am]:
You're a thief.

Rosie [11:49am]:
u could have just taken it off me

What was she supposed to do? Find Rosie at the party and strip it off of her? Jennie huffs. She texts back, a flush of red growing across her face at the idea.

Jennie [11:50am]:
Or you could have been polite for once and just returned it.

A second later, Jennie's phone rings.

"Me? Polite for once?" Rosie's voice rings sharply in her ear. Jennie flinches backwards and sets the phone on speaker, laying it down on the sink. "I cleaned your eye last night and all you did was make fun of my name."

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