Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

"Rosie... wake up... Rosie?"

Rosie opens her eyes slowly, hearing a soft voice coaxing her awake. She closes them a moment later when bright lights hit her pupils and frowns at the interruption, curling further into the sheets. In the next moment, she notes that her bed feels slightly different today. Warmer. Firm. It smells wonderful, too, a blissful mix of damp earth and something sweet under that...


...she inhales deeply and releases a quiet sigh in the following second, thinking that it's honey that she's smelling, and drawing nearer to the source of the scent...

"Park. Wake up."

Rosie wakes up with an abrupt and embarrassing realization about where she is and what she is doing. The bedsheets had not been sheets at all, but Jennie's arms, and the mattress was also not a mattress, it was Jennie's stomach, and the pillows were certainly not pillows, but... well. They aren't pillows and Rosie could die on the spot out of horror.

"Sorry! Sorry, I was dreaming." Rosie moves as far away as she can, which turns out isn't very far. The couch is barely long enough for her to get half an inch away from Jennie.

She's not even sure how it happened.

One moment, they were talking about books, and the next she's waking up like this, her long legs tangled around Jennie's much shorter ones.

"It's okay." Jennie shrugs. Her face is not nearly as red as Rosie's probably is, but there's definitely a healthy blush there. "What were you dreaming about?"


"Nothing important." She smooths down her hair until it seems neat and tries to rid the wrinkles from her clothing, feeling Jennie's eyes on her all the while.

It's mildly dark out now, probably nearing dinner time, judging by the grey color of the sky. Luckily, it doesn't look like she'll miss curfew. Her dad will most likely still be pissed off about her ditching practice though, so she isn't totally off the hook from punishment. Not to mention, Lisa will want a word (or many, many words) with her.

Rosie yawns, stretching. "We should get going."

Her muscles feel loose and well-rested, a gentle reminder of how relaxed she felt while cuddling with Jennie.

"Yeah, okay." Jennie collects the books in her hands. "I'll put these back."

In the short time that Jennie is gone, Rosie tries to remind herself of why she doesn't — can't — like Jennie.

Jennie is rude, on the other team, and a bit of an ass. Rosie has no reason to feel so pleased by her presence. None at all.

Yet, when Jennie returns, Rosie can't help but want to feel her close again.

God. She's an idiot. She needs to work harder at pushing away her attraction to Jennie. It's not as if it's going to go anywhere real, except it might give Jennie another chance to ridicule her. The kiss was one thing, but a crush is another.

Outside the store, a slight drizzle falls over them, featherlight drops slipping down their skin.

It goes unspoken that Jennie is walking Rosie home.

"About the date..." Jennie begins, her voice a little more serious than Rosie was expecting. "Is there anything you're not okay with us doing? Like, PDA, hand-holding, kissing, anything I should know about?"

Rosie responds, maybe too quickly. "I'm okay with all of it. Are you?"

"Yeah." She nods.

Jennie's pace slows slightly as a hint of hesitation passes over her face, then she unexpectedly takes Rosie's hand in her own. Rosie raises her eyebrows at the sudden action — she's not mad about it, just surprised — and Jennie shrugs, looking away, but not before Rosie notices the pink tint to her cheeks.

Letterman (Chaennie)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora