Chapter 2

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Captain Hook looked regal. There was no doubt about it, but his eyes, coal-black, were cold and hard. They held none of the warmth Grandmother's or Pan's eyes did. Although everything about Pan was warm and inviting, like he was just waiting there for you- stop it. I scolded myself. You have spent years tryin' to stay away from him, it would disappoint Grandmother and Mother to see the last girl in the family be taken away by Pan. Hook's voice brought me out of my thoughts.

"My my Wendy, what a little bunch you have here!" he drawled. "There's risk-taking Tony, reckless Bruce, and- my goodness! Is that brave Avery? She looks nothing like you or Jane. I'll go as far as to say that she looks even prettier than both of you." My anger flared, Hook had no right to call me anything, whether or not it was a compliment.

"Yeah, at least I don't look like a greasy slimeball. Or worse- like you, Hook. You look like the backside of a pig," I retorted. His eyes flashed, he was almost as angry as I was. His hand came down to slap me, but I grabbed it and twisted, nearly breaking his wrist. He tried not to show pain or weakness but I could tell it hurt.

"That doesn't work you slimeball. I could beat you with both hands tied behind my back," I snarled. His hook came out of nowhere, catching the side of my face and slashing it open. My head snapped back from the force, and stars danced across my vision. I was forced to let go of him and fell to the floor.

"Foolish girl, did you honestly think I would do my dirty work? I brought some friends, and they might not spare you as I did," Hook snarled back. The sound of heavy footsteps on the thick carpet told me the men were big. I shook my head to clear my vision, but it didn't work. I struggled to get up as I watched Tony, Bruce, and Grandmother get dragged away. The sound of metal on metal resonated in my ears. Someone's right hand clamped down on my mouth, their left arm around my waist. I could hear the heavy grunting of the man. His left hand was way too close to my butt for comfort, so I did the most sensible thing. I dug my nails, which were pretty sharp, into his left arm, and bit down hard on the hand over my mouth. Some of his blood got into my mouth and I gagged. Stumbling, my vision cleared, and I managed to dance around, not getting caught. I looked up just in time to see Pan looking at me, horror on his face I saw the reflection of the man behind me in his eyes, ready to kill me. What he didn't see was Hook's blade, coming down to meet his flesh. Reacting instinctively, I let my power course through me, forming a sword from ice and blocking the blow that would have been fatal. Hook looked shocked, and so did everyone else. Pan, Hook, and Hook's goons froze in place.

"Only the blood of my enemies will touch the ground of this house tonight," I said dramatically, gritting my teeth. Hook looked scared, but he quickly masked it. I forced my blade up, momentarily pushing Hook backward and making him lose his balance. I grabbed Pan's arm and ran, melting us both into the shadows of the house.

"Grab torches!" Hook yelled. "They can't hide in the light!" Pan's eyes widened as Hook's men charged past us, torches held aloft. They couldn't see us, though. I ran down some stairs, then up a few, down some hallways, and into a closet. The house was big, and I knew every inch of it, including a secret closet inside of another closet. I opened the secret door and shoved him in, then followed inside, closing the door behind me. Seconds after I closed the secret door, the closet door was opened, light filtering through a crack in the wall.

"They're not in here!" the man grunted, then closed the door, his heavy footsteps fading away. I turned around to find Pan right behind me, uncomfortably close.

"How did you hide us from them?" He asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

"The idiots only know about my shadow-melting ability, not invisibility," I replied, my voice equally as soft.

"And your glowing skin?" Pan asked. I sighed.

"A spell went wrong, but I don't mind. Being bioluminescent is useful." I was trying so hard to not touch him. "Could you like, back up a wee bit? It's kind of cramped in here."

"I can't, I'm up against the wall as it is," his tone was apologetic. It was too much effort being right on the wall, so we both relaxed a bit. Although it did lead to an uncomfortable silence with both of us right up against each other.

"Could you try not touchin' me?" I asked testily. He tried shuffling around for a bit, then stopped. I sighed again. That stupid grin of his faded.

"You really don't like me," he said. I nodded.

"Why don't we try pushin' against each other and see how that works," I suggested, trying to change the topic of our conversation. I put my hands on his shoulders and realized for the first time how much muscle he was hiding under his shirt. He looked a little lost for a moment.

"Where do I put my hands?" he asked. I grimaced.

"On my waist," I said slowly. He obliged and we were about to push each other away when the secret door opened, Hook smiling wide.

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