Chapter 10

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Peter and Shelley laid me in Toby's hammock while Toby got me food.

"Shelley," I said weakly. She looked up. "What happened to me after I fell." She and Peter shared a look. Toby came back with a bowl of soup. I wasn't going to question what was inside, it was edible and that's what mattered. Peter left to get more firewood.

"Wendy and I took you away from the fighting," she said, stoking the fire to keep it alive.

"I know when someone isn't telling me the whole truth. Spit it out," I demanded, annoyed. She sighed then said,

"When you fell, you landed close to Hook. He-" she hesitated. "He ripped your wings out of your back." I was so shocked and upset, and maybe the food had some part in it, but I leaned over the hammock and whatever had been in my stomach before was emptied onto the ground. My hair was pulled back from my face and a small hand held out a leaf. I took the leaf and wiped my mouth with it. I shakily said thank you to Toby. He just nodded and said,

"What goes in, must come out." It wasn't very reassuring but I'm sure he meant for it to be. The pain came back, sharper this time. It was so painful, I almost wished to be dead and for everything to go away. That's when I realized what Hook's next move was.

"Oh my goodness," I whispered, my hand to my mouth. "He's going in for the kill."

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