Chapter 5

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I woke up in a strange room surrounded by bright light. I thought it was my skin giving off the light at first, but quickly realized it wasn't. There were gold, jewels, and other precious items scattered around the room. I turned around and found the source of the bright light behind me. It was giant windows, giving me a view of the vast ocean. I realized I was on a pirate ship. Great. I thought sarcastically, Just what I needed, to be kidnapped and stuffed into a pirate ship when the fighting is nearly over. I walked over to a silver goblet and picked it up to study it.

"Do you like it?" a cold voice asked. I froze. "There's no need to be frightened, I'm sure you'll make a great slave for a pirate. Unless that is if you join my side and become one of my crew. I might just make you first mate, although that would disappoint Smee." Hook came out of the shadows, smiling wide. I dropped the goblet and it landed with a dull thunk. If Hook was standing in front of me, then Peter must be- I tried not to think of what might have happened.

"Yes," Hook said, breaking my jumbled thoughts, "Your beloved Peter Pan is dead." He sounded delighted and I rushed at him, wanting to hurt him, but I was brought up short by a chain that had been attached to a collar. The collar was iron, the only metal that repelled magic. I noticed the iron bracelets on my wrists and ankles too.

"I enjoyed killing him. It's a shame you couldn't watch as he desperately called your name, it was highly entertaining," Hook said, relishing the memory. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm needed on deck." When he left I finally let myself collapse on the floor, the grief overwhelming. The iron collar had bitten into my flesh and drops of blood fell on my clothes. Smee walked in.

"The Captain has given you these clothes. He says he wants you to change into them and come up to the top deck," Smee said, and threw them to me, leaving the room. The shirt was a white button-up that was form-fitted. The pants were black leather and were skin tight. The boots were new, but they were a pirates nonetheless. I pulled on the clothes, the boots hid the iron bracelets around my ankles, and sat there. There was a knock at the door.

"Are you done changing?" Smee's voice called through the wood.

"Are you done being a jerk?" I retorted. He opened the door and peeked through. Satisfied that I was fully dressed, he walked his pudgy butt into the room, holding a ring of keys. I just sat on the floor while he unlocked the padlock on the wall. He took the iron chain in his hand and walked out of the door, not waiting for me to follow. I was forced to walk on deck then through the pirate town, all the way to their square. There was a platform there that was new. Hook was showing off one of the Lost Boys.

"Can I get a starting bid of 50 doubloons for the boy?" He shouted to the crowd. He was selling these boys to the pirates as slaves. Once the boy was sold, I was brought on the platform.

"Now, for the best of the lot, can I get a starting bid of 500 doubloons?" He asked, the crowd was shouting, trying to get me as a slave. When I was finally sold, it was to a pirate with an eyepatch, large coat, peg leg, and a hat he never took off. He tugged on the chain and I followed. When I got a good look at his face, he looked a little too young to be a pirate. His light brown eyes warmly gazed into mine, a mischievous look in them. I had to hold in a gasp as I realized who it could possibly be, but I was scared to hope. As he was leading me to a hotel, he leaned down and whispered,

"You don't look so good." It was Peter's voice. I nearly shouted with joy and hugged him but I forced myself to keep my head down and cry. When we got into his room, he took off the disguise, wincing. He collapsed on a chair and started to remove the fake peg leg attached to his leg. He had bent his knee, a harness wrapping around his shin and quads. I helped him get it off and he stretched his leg, still wincing. While he was massaging the muscles, I decided to speak.

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