Chapter 16

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The next day I set to work, contacting everyone who might help me. When they refused to help, I persuaded them to help. I'm very good at making people feel like they need to do something. The day finally came and I set everything up with help from the people I had contacted. I was wearing the white dress I had been in when I got my wings back. It was Shelley's birthday and I wanted this song to be special.

Everyone filed in and I smiled as I saw Shelley. Peter, Marvin, and her all made a beeline to me. I smiled and hugged everyone. To my satisfaction, I saw Shelley and Marvin holding hands. After a couple of songs, birthday cake, and presents, the time came for me to sing. I was nervous, mainly because I hadn't sung in front of people before.

"I would like to dedicate this song to Shelley. She helped inspire me to do this and I appreciate everything she has ever done for me, including confirming the fact that Peter and I are boyfriend and girlfriend." The crowd chuckled. I queued for the music to come on. I was going to sing King Of The World by Young Rising Sons.

Once I was done singing I looked into Shelley's face, she was crying a little, though she was smiling at the same time. Marvin side-eyed her and pulled a tissue for her without a second glance. She wasn't the only one to cry though. I walked back to her and gave her a crushing hug.

"That journal helped a lot," I told her. She sniffed then said,

"I'm glad. I found it yesterday. When we went into town the day you found out that I was going to be crowned Queen."

"Oh, how sweet. It's sissy's birthday," Loki's voice sounded through the hall.

"Leave it Loki, don't make me regret my decision," Shelley said.

"I'm the god of mischief, what do you expect from me little sister? I deserve the crown more than you," he appeared on the stage where I was. I was ready to fight him but someone held me back.

"She doesn't deserve that treatment, you-" I couldn't think of what to call him. I was too mad. Then I heard something unfamiliar. It sounded like a roar but of an unfamiliar animal. I looked at where Shelley was but she wasn't there. I looked up and it was a full-size dragon. Loki pulled me away from the person holding me back and held a knife to my throat. His arm was around my waist and I could see Peter's expression from here. He was so angry, the rage was indescribable. He made a motion with his hands like he was pushing something away, and Loki fell backward. I flew into the air where I knew I would be safe, but a sharp pain tore through me. I fell to the ground thinking, When will this stop? I'm just done now. I just lay there, not very happy. Everyone crowded around me, worried.

"I'M FINE! JUST LET ME LAY ON THE FLOOR IN PEACE!" I roared. They all took a step back.

"LOKI OF ASGARD, YOU ARE HEREBY BANISHED FOR ETERNITY! YOU ARE STRIPPED OF YOUR TITLE, 'GOD OF MISCHIEF' TURNING YOU HUMAN. YOU WILL FOREVER LIVE OUT YOUR DAYS ON MIDGARD!" Shelley's voice rang through the entire city, I'm sure. Peter picked me off the floor and held me bridal-style. He carried me to my room and sat me down on a chair, walking away to find a first-aid kit. I put my face in my hands.

"How many more times is this going to happen?" I asked. "One of us gets wounded, the other helps them clean and dress the injuries. It's honestly getting kind of old. I am also worried about Shelley I haven't seen her since Loki showed up."

"Me neither, she ran off to a corridor that the dragon came out of," Peter said as he bandaged me up, "Let's just hope she knows what she's doing."

It was only a few minutes later when I heard a knock on the door. I opened the door to find a figure that resembled Shelley covered in soot. I asked her wearily,

"Who are you?" She sighed and said,

"Harry Potter." It was our code word that no one else knew. It meant we were safe to talk, there wasn't an imposter.

"What happened to you? You're covered in soot," I said.

"Thanks, Captain Obvious, but what happened was that the dragon you saw was me. I only found out a day ago that I was able to do that," she replied, rolling her eyes. There was another knock on the door. I answered it, seeing Odin.

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