Chapter 12

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Three Years Later

I exchanged several letters with Peter after that night. We made plans to meet up at night once a month when I had enough energy to break Mother's spell. Tonight was one of many nights I got to see Peter for a few minutes. I started to hear footsteps that stopped coming down the hall.

"Avery, are you awake?" a voice whispered. I sat up and looked at where the voice came from.

"Yeah? What can I help you with?" I warily asked the figure in my doorway.

"I came on behalf of your father and the princess to get you out. A horse and carriage are waiting outside for us. Her Highness gave me strict orders to help you pack a few pieces of clothing and get you out as quickly as possible," the shady figure said. I nodded and packed what I could in my bag and left out the door. To my surprise, I was able to get out of the house quickly. My last few attempts ended with me failing. Once in the carriage, I saw both Tony and Bruce with a couple of bags as well.

"Tony, Bruce, what are you doing here?" I asked my brothers as I hugged them.

"The man told us what was going on and asked if we want to tag along," Bruce said before Tony interrupted by saying,

"Of course, we said yes or we wouldn't be here." I decided to ask the man how I was able to get out of the house so I did. His reply was,

"Her highness told me not to tell you until we are at Asgard and she has seen you." I couldn't believe that I was finally going back. I was so happy until I heard Mother yell,

"You dirty little street rat! Bring back my daughter and sons now! I have given you a roof over your head for the night and this is how you treat me!" By then, the sun had risen, showing their faces.

"With all due respect ma'am, you put an unfair punishment on your daughter by telling her that she can not see her friends, Asgard, or Neverland again. One of her friend is the royal princess of Asgard. Men, bring her highness over," the man said. Shelley appeared in an Asgardian dress made of the prettiest lavender purple with a floral print, a gold crown to match, and her hair in its natural curly state. The light radiated off of Fantam, her pegasus. She had her head held high, looking at Mother.

"You of all people should know all magic comes with a price. The price that you shall pay is high you will serve 1 year in Asgard's prison. I will allow your family to see you once a week. You will receive meals three times a day and water with those meals. Men, you know what to do. Marvin, thank you for getting them," Shelley said.

"You're welcome, Your Highness," Marvin said with a slight bow. He was slightly taller than Peter and looked to be about the same age as Shelley. He had an olive complexion and his long, black hair was pulled back into a ponytail. He was good-looking, but he wasn't Peter. No guy could ever compare with Peter, in my opinion.

"I might as well get your grandmother and invite her to stay. Your father is in Asgard right now. We have one more guest there as well but I think you know who it is Avery," Shelley said with a smile on her face and winked at me. Marvin moved to help her off of Fantam, smiling at him then at me. As she walked to the house she said a few words with a simple hand movement, releasing the protective spells that Mother has put up. When Shelley came back out with Grandmother, she helped her into the carriage and Marvin moved to help her get back on Fantam. Then we headed off to Asgard.

When we got there, I slowly stepped out, relishing the feeling of the sun on my face. It had been three years since I had stepped anywhere outside of my house. Mother had let me go to the bathroom when I needed it, but only for five minutes at a time, otherwise, she would pound on the door and tell me to get out. She didn't want me to escape. A pair of familiar arms snuck around my waist. I turned around and hugged Peter, my arms around his neck. Laughing, he kissed me, slowly and sweetly. When he broke the kiss, he looked into my eyes.

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