Chapter 11

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Shelley looked up at me, horrified. Then her face went dark for reasons that I didn't understand.

"We need to go, now," I said urgently. She nodded and I healed myself. Grabbing Toby's hand, I teleported to Peter. Shelley had been holding onto my arm.

"Time to go," she said, and he dropped the wood, grabbing onto my shoulder. I teleported back to my house, into my room, right in front of Captian Hook. He froze for a moment, then a cruel smile slowly spread across his face. I noticed my father, brothers, and Grandmother huddled in the corner, eyes wide and scared. Peter drew his dagger, Shelley her sword, and Toby waved his stick threateningly. I rushed to my mother who was behind us and started healing her wounds. Once I was done, she lifted her head weakly.

"I'm sorry I had to put you through that pain, my child," she whispered, exhausted. "I had no idea how strong the magical connection is." I untied her and said,

"If I hadn't felt your pain I wouldn't have known how close you were to dying." She closed her eyes, smiling bitterly, and said,

"Everything has a cost, nothing is free. Learn that quickly my child, it's an important lesson." She opened one of her eyes, peeking at me. "I guess the cost of my infatuation was a bitterness that only you could fix. She told me about how quickly you forgave him and how much he didn't know." Grandmother must have told her about Peter. Remembering that he was here, I looked up and saw Hook on the floor, being tied up by Peter. Shelley was holding her sword up to his neck while trying to hold off Toby, who was mad.

"Just let me poke him!" The Lost Boy complained. "He's been a really big meanie!" Peter stood up, looking disgusted. Hook shifted uncomfortably and Peter held up the removable hook. I helped mother over to Grandmother and Father. Tony and Bruce stood out of the way, tears streaming down their faces. I gathered both of them in a hug and held them for a while. After I hugged them, I went over to Peter who was standing apart from the group. Shelley had taken Hook away to Asgard and locked him up, and the Asgardian army was rounding up pirates. I turned his face to mine with my hand. His hand came up and rested on mine. A single tear rolled down his cheek and I wiped it away with my thumb. His other arm snaked around my waist and his soft lips somehow found mine.

The sound of someone clearing their throat startled me and Peter pulled away. My family was staring at us. Grandmother and Mother had their eyebrows raised, Tony and Bruce's eyes were wide, and Father's jaw was practically on the floor. Peter and I blushed.

"How many times have you done that?" Grandmother asked skeptically. Peter answered four and I answered three.

"I thought we discussed this already," I whispered to him. He smiled slyly.

"Better keep up appearances," he whispered back. I rolled my eyes.

"I never thought our sister would be the first of the three of us to kiss someone," Tony said.

"Yeah, I always figured she'd be the last, and she'd follow every rule Grandmother and Mother set," Bruce added.

"What you guys don't know is how much of a troublemaker I am," I said. They raised their eyebrows in surprise. Peter and I looked at each other and snickered. They really didn't know how much I'd broken the rules. My tattoo was proof. I remembered what Hook had done to it. I excused myself to go to the bathroom.

"No you don't young lady," Mother said. I knew I was in deep trouble by the tone of her voice.

"Jane, you should let her go, she's been through a lot already," Father said in a soothing voice. It didn't work.

"I know when she's hiding something big," Mother replied. "Her eyes are a darker color. Look at them right now and tell me what you see." Father looked at me and grimaced. He was part Asgardian and was on my side most of the time. "Unbutton your shirt young lady." I did so slowly. Grandmother's eyebrows seemed to disappear under her hair. My tattoo was exposed to the world, luckily it hadn't scarred. But I was going to be grounded for life.

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