Chapter 18

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Someone was screaming. I realized my mouth was open and closed it. The screaming stopped and I vaguely saw what was happening. People flooded the room and I found myself kneeling beside Peter, numb. His hands, covered in blood, found mine and put a small object into my palm, closing my fingers around it. He pulled my face forward and kissed me for the last time. I tried to put every emotion into that kiss, and I could feel him slipping away, until he finally fell back to the ground, breaking our kiss and ending his life.

Shelley pulled me away from all the people, bringing me out onto a secluded balcony. The emotions started to creep in, dispelling the numbness I felt. The next moment I was on the floor, crying my broken heart out. Shelley hugged me tight and didn't let go for a while. She said nothing. There was nothing to say. After a bit, once I had calmed down enough, she got up and mentioned something about grabbing food. I had cried as much as I possibly could and stared at my hands, covered in Peter's blood. I opened the hand with the small object in it and picked it up. It was a necklace with beads and a small vial. I opened the vial and fished out a piece of paper. It had Peter's handwriting on it, and I choked up, unable to move any more.

I finally plucked up the nerve to open the paper and unfolded it.

Precious Avery,                                                                                                                                                                      If you are reading this, it means I'm dead. I hate to start out like this, but I promise, it's for the best. Hook was planning to kill you, I know that. I could only delay him, but I hope that delay is long enough for you to find him and stop what he's doing. I have selected you as the next leader of the Lost Boys, and I hope you can do for them what I could not. You are the most wonderful thing in my world. I thought I knew beauty, watching the sun as it sets in Neverland, the lagoon, the mermaids. But it wasn't until I met you that I realized the meaning of true beauty. I can see it in the way you jump to the rescue of those closest to you. The way you walk as if nothing anyone says matters. The way you glow, like the stars at night. Never let that go. I love you, never forget me.                                                                                                                                                                                                -Your beloved Peter

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