The beast from bellow

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We see everyone as they were seen arriving at a town as Dimitri looked at the map.

Dimitri: According to the map, we should be in the coastal town of Crystal Cove.

Noah: And where a friend of mine lives.

We then see them pull up to a mansion as we see them coming to the door and knock on it as they see a woman with orange hair wearing a purple outfit.

Nan: Noah! You old coot, how are you?

Noah: I'm doing fine, my grandchildren have been a great help for me. (points to his grandchildren)

Nan: That's great, what brings you here?

Noah: We're here to perform our show.

We later see them inside as they were sitting down.

Nan: And who's the dapper young man in the suit?

Noah: Why that would be Ashton, our newest addition to the circus.

Nan: Really?

Ashton: (a pleasure to meet you madam in French)

Nan: He's quite a gentleman, I have been hearing your business is going well.

Dimitri: But we don't care about money or fame, we all just-

Nan: Want to entertain people, that's what Noah always said. It's great to see your grandchildren looking so healthy, I just wish it was the same with Daphne.

Noah: What do you mean?

Nan: She's been going through this phase.

Noah: Phase?

Nan: She and her friends have been solving mysteries.

Dimitri: I fail to see how that is even a phase at all.

Ashton: If anything it means she has an inquisitive personality and an interest in being a detective. Where I came from I was a detective myself.

Dimitri: Yeah, and you can't try to change Daphne into something she isn't. A friend of mine once told me, if every porkchop were perfect we wouldn't have hot dogs.

Nan and Ashton: That makes no sense whatsoever.

Dimitri: It means if you try to make her perfect, try to wipe away anything you see that's a flaw in her, you'll lose all the things that make you happy.

Nan: I guess you have a point there.

Dimitri: When working at a circus we make friends wherever we go. Noah, is it alright if my siblings and I explore the town?

Noah: By all means.

Nan: Dimitri, would you be a dear and escort Daphne to school?

Dimitri: Of course.

We later see Dimitri and his siblings as they were waiting outside as they see a girl with orange hair wearing a purple outfit coming outside as they were seen walking through town.

Dimitri: Daphne, your mother said that you and your friends like to solve mysteries is that right?

Ashton: I love a good mystery.

Dimitri: Well it does sound like it's a passion, and in a circus we express our passions greatly.

Ashton: Like how you're gonna express your passion for Asuka?

Dimitri: (Blushes) Will you just shut up about that?

Ashton: Methinks no.

Andruw: Just admit it dude, you have the hots for her.

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