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Today, the weather was once again pleasant. A small breeze of air can be felt, and some leaves are dancing together with the breeze.

Junkyu and Jihoon met already at the university's field track, both coincidentally wearing sportswear.

"Jihoon, do you really think that this silly idea of yours running will make people think we're a couple or something" junkyu expressed with annoyance. Who in their right mind would do a morning exercise to make others think they're a couple? There might be a student here but it isn't that crowded since most of them are still taking their precious sleep, and I should have been one of them.

"Then what should we do?" Jihoon winked, "Should I hold your hands while running"

Junkyu thought about it, "You know what, we should just do it this way." Then they both continue their jog at the field.

As they continued their exercise, another historical moment was written in the university, the two rivals were once again seen together, but on the university's field track, enjoying their little jogs and seem's having fun. The students that were present in the field were able to witness it.

Gracefully glancing at Jihoon, Junkyu provokes him "Hey, with your small legs, will you be able to finish running around the track?" a total provocation.

"Get lost! I had a 6-pack," Jihoon responded.

"Ah, sadly to say I have also," Junkyu said in an arrogant tone, then he unconsciously proceeded to lift his shirt to prove his claim.


Jhoon was too stunned by the sudden action of Junkyu. He never thought the latter was able to do such a thing in public with some students present in the field.

Jihoon then automatically pulled junkyu's shirt downward. "Yah, what are you doing?"

Junkyu then realized what he did, now he feels embarrassed about his sudden action.

The students that were present that day were all startled, they didn't expect junkyu to do that, Junkyu is known for being modest, and he really was, it's just that he was taken by the moment of their provocation.

"Let's just continue, the sun will become harsh," Jhoon said. Then they both run to finish their last two lapses.

They are now in their last lapse, suddenly junkyu sprint like a cheetah, looking at jihoon with teasing looks, provoking jihoon.

And Jihoon being competitive af, runs faster to catch up with him.

The door of victory was right in front of junkyu's eyes, he already imagined himself making fun of jihoon for losing with him. Jihoon barely catches up with him, then suddenly junkyu accidentally trips his left foot.

Woshhh! Bogshhh! A loud bang echoed in the silent field, which caught the students' attention.

Junkyu fell, face forward on the ground. Jihoon on the other hand was about to reach Junkyu's hand or waist to save him but it was too late since he was far from Junkyu by about 2 feet. He himself wasn't also prepared so he stumbled at Junkyu's back.

"Ahhh!" Junkyu let out a loud groan. Then Jihoon gets up from the junkyu.

Junkyu was struggling to sit, he hadn't recovered from the impact.

"Did you get hurt?" Jihoon unconsciously asks.

Junkyu was annoyed. Who's in his right mind would ask a person if he's okay after they fell into an accident? Then he faced Jihoon, "Yeah I'm okay, I actually enjoyed kissing the ground~" Junkyu replied in a sarcastic tone.

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