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Little notes before we start

(Hiii! I'm back, These past few weeks were very hectic for me. I got busy at school and for Treasure comeback. Don't forget to stream Hello and the album, and also vote for them for music shows. Fighting treasure makers. Also, don't forget to comment with your thoughts, I appreciate it so much)


Junkyu was in their home, at his father's office specifically. What was he doing there? Well, he fucked up. He lost the documents his father asked him to do. His father asked about the documents until he knew they were lost, so Junkyu faced the consequence of his mistake.

"You piece of shit! How could you carelessly lose those documents? I asked to do it because it was very important, so I can't ask someone else to do it except you!" His father was furious.

Whip. Crack. Crack

He whipped Junkyu's back using his whip. He always punished Junkyu whenever he made a mistake or whenever he wasn't satisfied with him until he bled too much, yet you can't hear any sob or groan from Junkyu.

He was punished for about half a day, although his father wanted to whip Junkyu further he was called by his secretary. His father was needed at the company and later that morning he had to go to New York to personally inspect their newly launched branch there.

"You're lucky that I need to go, or else this will continue up until dawn!" His father said.

After his father went to their company, Junkyu took that chance to go home. Going home was a challenge for him. He could barely move his body but despite that he forced himself to drive at his unit. Hissed escaped from him every second because his wound stung every time it hit the backrest of his seat.

His strength was almost to none, so while walking towards his unit, he walked like a drunk person. If someone would bump into him, they would think that he was just drunk rather than a person who get hurt. He couldn't even open his door, it took him a couple of minutes to open it.


Jihoon was very worried for Junkyu, he had not heard from him since Saturday and the other had gone for 2 days. He wanted to ask Junkyu out since they have 3 days of holiday vacation but the other won't answer his phone nor reply to his messages.

He even asked Junkyu's friend but neither of them have an Idea where the other might be. It always happened, but Junkyu has always been like that. When he received punishment from his dad, he isolated himself and let his injury heal. Being pathetic in front of his friends, he hates it, although he knows that his friend will abandon whatever they are doing just to accompany him and he appreciates it at the same time, he hates it, they should prioritize and focus on their work rather than being the cause of their worries. Holding people back because of his pity situation is one thing he couldn't accept, it was never their fault so they don't need to suffer with him.

Maybe Asahi knew, but knowing his personality, he wouldn't tell Jihoon what happened to him, why? He still doesn't trust Jihoon. But Jihoon was very persistent, so Asahi gave up and gave Junkyu's address to see him himself. He observes Junkyu being more active and happy since the two start their nonsense deal.

Yes Asahi finds it nonsense, why can they just date each other for real, it was so obvious that the two have feelings for each other, well Jihoon might be obvious but he saw Junkyu confused about his feelings and hasn't admitted it yet, so he shrugged it off. They were old enough to figure it out themselves and Asahi is too old to meddle between them.

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