Update (sorry in advance)

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Hey everyone 2 things, 1 piece of good news and 1 piece of bad news (for y'all I'm still kinda hype lol)

Good news first. So like I said, I'm gonna do smth special for 300 reads, and we're at 297 at the time I'm publishing this so we're gonna hit it it looks like. As for what it's gonna be, well I was gonna make reference sheets for each of the characters in the story so far. That might not sound too exciting but the reason I'm doing it is to get better at drawing each of them cuz I might make a comic version of both parts of the prologue, and mayb more if ppl r interested so uh yeah.

Here's the bad news. So I've been doing the shorter chapter formats for the past few weeks since I've been gone from my house. The first 2 weeks it was for summer camp but the last week I went on a family vacation to Norway. While I was there I ended up dating someone (who also likes w.o.f. and asked me to shout her out when writing this so hey Audrey ;) anyway I'm gonna spend the next week focusing on that instead of writing but dw next chapter's still gonna come out j another week late. Alright that was it so yeah

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