Final Chapter

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I made my move and ran, leaving Amy behind. Nobody followed me. It was then that I noticed Felix in the next room, sat by himself. His eyes were red, tears ran down his face. He stared at the floor, motionless. I grabbed hold of him, he looked at me. A slight smile began to creep onto his face. No time to talk. I rushed to the exit, dragging Felix with me. I didn't look back, only forward. My eyes locked on the way out. Together we stumbled onto the streets outside, we were in the undercity. Bright lights shone from the viewing screens all around the city, playing the Prophet's message from earlier. There was a queue of thousands waiting to be upgraded, none of them paid any attention to us. I walked into the incoming crowd, going with their flow. My head dipped slightly, my hands tightly holding Felix's. After a few minutes, I pulled us out of the crowd. We needed to disguise ourselves, I didn't know if anyone was after us. But I wasn't about to risk it and we couldn't go home. We never could, we had to get out. Far away. I spotted a nearby antique clothing store, had to get rid of anything linked to the Prophet, even our clothes.

I pulled Felix towards me, 'Wait here, don't do anything. Don't draw any attention to yourself. Look like you belong, alright.'

He nodded.

I made my way into the store. A dim light above lit the store, labelled lightbulb, 1000 credits. What a rip off, that was like a month's wage. A man walked towards me, smiling.

'Hello sir, is there anything I can help you with today? Anything particular you're looking for?' He was dressed in a red fabric; it has little holes in it. Blue trousers hung to his legs, it looked very tight. On his feet, he wore pure black shoes, they had the word Nike written on them.

'Your outfit...'

'Ah yes, it's a classic isn't it. Quite rare really, but I wanted to treat myself. Plus, it's an advert really isn't it. I stand out, don't I?'

'You sure do. I'm looking for some classic outfits actually. But I don't want anything that stands out too much, people might steal it you see.'

'I completely understand sir, I've had problems with thieves as well.'

'Of course, sir. I have just the thing. You know what, I feel like I've seen you before.'

'I don't think so. We've never met. We're kind of in a hurry, so what do you have?' I snapped.

He walked over to a nearby stand, pointing at a black jacket. 'This is one hundred percent real leather.'


'Yes, it's made of the skin of a creature known as a cow. It's about fifty years old, pristine condition. I have the entire set; it'd fit you very well.'

'How much?'

'For you sir, a man of obvious taste and class. The set will be 3000 credits.'

'3000!' I shouted.

'I know sir, I really should charge more. But I think it'll look great on you.'

'And for my Wombbrother?'
'Ah yes.'

He walked over to another stand; it was right at the back of the store. Almost as if hidden away. He pulled out a stripey shirt from the rack, hanging below it were some short blue shorts.

'Now this is a particular favourite of mine, very old.' He began to whisper 'I actually got this from one of the outlanders, I trade with them from time to time you see. Only way I get anything new. Needs must.'


'Yes, you know the heretics who live outside in the wilderness. Those that chose to ignore the Prophet's message, I think most are just ancestors of those who fought in the war. You must live pretty high up not to know about the Outlanders.'

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