Suffocated - 6

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Matthew Drenx.
He's cocky.
A prick.
A player.
A stupid dick.
An asshole who thinks he's better than everyone else.
He has a perfect life and he just has to rub it in everyones faces.
He's super popular,
That means he has rights to everything.
Oh Matt,
Matthew Drenx.
Please could you stop being an egotistical ass and remember how we once used to be...
Best friends...

I read what i had written at the start of the year after realising Matt, my once most best friend on the entire planet, had forgotten all about me. Sure we were only best friends for less than a year in Year 8, but that was only 4 years ago. Come to think of it, we didn't actually know much about each other, all we cared was that we were friends. Until Year 9 when he started to become popular. Less and less we hung out, until it was no more and he pretended like he never knew me.

He started to suffocate me.

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