Suffocated - 8

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Walking along the side-walk back to my house, Matt's face keeps popping into my mind. His smiling face of when he was once shorter than me in Year 8. Now he's taller than me.

Walking through my front door, my mother was waiting there for me, pulling me into a tight hug. "How was your day today, love?" She asks.

"It was okay," i whisper.

"I love you," she tells me.

"I love you, too," i reply.

After my sister and dad passed away, mum started realising that i hadn't been myself for a long time. She forgot about her self and started focusing on me. She found a few of my poems and talked to be about everything. She knows what to do after school to make me feel a bit better. She knows that i need someone to talk to. It's a good thing she's a psychologist and a councillor.

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