Suffocated - 14

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Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
I am nothing,
Without you.
I just want you to come back to me.
I want us to be best friends again.
I want you to be there for me.
I want to be there for you.
I need you.
I really, really need you.
Now more than ever.
Please come back to me, Matt.

"I'm coming back to you, Lyndsey. I'm going to be here for you. You can be here for me. We can be best friends again," he tells me. "Please don't do this," he please.


I kick my chair out of the way, but i don't fall, Matt catches my legs and is holding me up.

"LYNDSEY!" He yells. "Don't fucking do this!" More tears roll out from his eyes. "I'm sorry!mi'm so, so, so sorry!" He cries into my stomach.

"It's too late, Matty," i speak. "You're too late."

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