Suffocated - 9

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"Hey," a voice says from behind me as i stand in front of my open locker.

Turning i see Matthew Drenx. "Aren't you afraid people will see you talking with me?" I raise my eyebrows, my heart hurting from the truth.

"Lynndy, come on," he sighs.

"Wow. It's Lyndsey, you egotistical ass," i slam my locker shut, attracting attention. "You don't even remember me, do you?" I frown at him.

"Did.." He trails off, looking around before moving in closer to whisper to me. "Did i sleep with you?" He frowns.

Gritting my teeth together i shake my head, blinking frequently to stop the tears from falling. "I like your eyes. Lets be friends," i sneer at him, walking away at a quick pace to my first class.

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