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1) Sunday, May 3, 2015, somewhere around 9 or 10 am
Okay, yes, i ended the story on a happy note, if you want i'll put the alternate ending of her dying up but i didn't want it to end on a sad note because as our other books get published, you'll see that most of them end sadly while a few end happily. So if you want the sad alternate ending, just ask. Even if only 1 person wants it, i'll put it up. Ok? Ok.

2) Sunday, May 3, 2015, somewhere between 9:40pm and 9:50pm
Anyway. The reason behind me writing this short-ass story is basically because i found the picture and i really, really liked it. Don't ask me why, because even i don't know. I felt like it was calling me. It was calling my name literally saying 'Pick me! Pick me!' So i did and i gave it a name and everything - Suffocated. At first i was just going to write a poem and make it a poem, but then i realised that i suck shit at writing poems so i made it into a really bad story filled with a few horrible poems :')

Don't judge..

5) Sunday, May 3, 2015, Lol it's 10:10pm when i started writing this!
Sooooo i forgot to mention that i wan not planning on writing a story or anything. Nothing was planned at all actually. I made the cover yesterday (Saturday, May 2, 2015) but didn't think i would ever actually write a story about it. Then i got bored. So i wrote Suffocated in about 2 hours or so?? Yeah. Something like that. Ahaha.

3) Sunday, May 3, 2015, Somewhere around 9:55??
Oh and i also made another cover! I really liked the picture (again) so i made a cover and gave it the name Distorted because it was the first thing that came to mind as soon as i saw the picture (same with the picture for Suffocated). Distorted is going to be put are real soon, just KEEEEEEEPP HOOOOLLDIIIING OOOOOONN!! Cos i'll put it up for you, up for you!

Okay.. I need sleep.. Goodnight..

4) 6) Sunday, May 3, 2015, Somewhere between 10:07pm and 10:13pm
So i just looked back at the Distorted cover and another word popped into my head! Dissolve. I don't know why, man. It just did. So i don't know if i should call it Distorted or Disolved? I'll show you both covers, one with Distorted and the other with Dissolved. I'm not actually sure if i would ever actually write a story for it, i mean, this one (Suffocated) wasn't even planned. It just happened because i was bored! But.. Idk.. I might one day? You never know!

7) Sunday, May 3, 2015, start: 10:15pm finish: 10:20pm
I really have no idea why i'm doing that ^^ but i guess i find it fun!(?) anyway, to help you with your confusion (if you have any), i wrote 3 things in a row and started writing the 4th one but realised i missed something out after the 2nd one, so i went back up and wrote it, making it number 5, then i came back down to number 4 making it also number 6 then after writing this one it became number 7... If you understand??

8) Sunday, May 3, 2015, start: 10:23pm finish: 10:25pm
So i have decided to put numbers next to each note depending on which one i wrote first so that you get the whole gist of what i mean in number 7. Right now, i don't see any point of number 7&8 and some parts of 4/6. Ugh. Whatever.

I'm going to sleep now. If you have read through this whole NOTE(s) message me because you, you my friend, are now my favourite :D

9) Sunday, May 3, 2015, start: 10:26pm finish: 10:28pm
This is longer than most or nearly all of my chapters xD holy shit that is the worst thing in the world! I think i might actually take down 7,8&9... Sorry...

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