~Twenty Four~

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Y/n sat and stared ahead at nothing for a long time. Trying to process everything he said. What was he expecting from her now? To just jump up and run into his arms and forgive him? He openly admitted to cheating on her. And with the person she'd questioned for months. She'd been humiliated publicly for months every time a new picture of the two of them was posted. And he acted like she was unreasonable and crazy every time she got upset and questioned the photos. He made her feel unworthy. Her head was swirling. "Y/n....please say something." She takes a deep breath and faces him. Her eyes are stinging from holding back her tears. She was so hurt but now she felt more angry. "What do you want me to say? That I forgive you? That it's ok you cheated on me because it was 'one time, just a kiss,' like it's no big deal??" Zuho looks down and shakes his head. "No. I hope you will give me another chance. Let me try to fix things. To fix us." She scoffs and stands. She starts to pace the room. She's so angry. "Really? Just like that? I'm supposed to just forget the hell of the past eight months just like that because you said you're sorry? Who cares how Y/n feels anymore because Zuho isn't cheating. That's all I thought when FNC just stopped denying the photos. I'm not their idol so I don't matter. Your fans were mad but they never stay mad forever. They'll never stop loving you even if you're a cheater. How about how you practically defended her! Made me feel like a delusional housewife! But I wasn't a wife, was I? We aren't married. Because you never thought about marrying me. We've been together for over five years...have a daughter together! Yet the thought of marrying me never seemed important enough to even talk about with me! Was I supposed to bring it up?? I didn't want to be clingy or put pressure on you so I never did. Every time my parents or Sorin asked if we were ever going to get married I avoided it because I was embarrassed. Five years, and even just a conversation about marrying me never entered your mind to have? I'm good enough to knock up, live with and fuck regularly, but not to marry? And then to be publicly humiliated for months!..." Zuho stands and walks toward her. "No baby." "I'm not done!" She yells and keeps pacing around the living room, letting every insecure feeling she's had over the past five years roll out. "I have been nothing but supportive since we met. I never pushed labels on what we had, never forced you into a relationship with me. YOU said you loved me first! I even said you didn't have to be a part of my pregnancy or Aeri's life if you didn't want. I gave you an out! I let you talk me into quitting my job to stay home with Aeri even though I loved my job. I let you talk me into not even fucking driving myself anymore, because you were worried about my safety! And I know you were. I have sacrificed so much to be with you and you have sacrificed nothing! You're still sexy SF9 rapper Baek Zuho. Yeah, he had a kid with some nobody but we still love and support him. Do you realize I have barely ever seen any of your fans ask why we weren't married? It's because they don't want you married. And I don't think you do either." She glares at him as he stares with wide eyes full of tears. "Tell me the truth Zuho, I deserve that. For five years I've waited and wondered. When are we going to talk about getting married? Does he even want to marry me? Year after year I'd wait and think, am I selfish if I bring it up first? So tell me, was marriage ever even an option for you with me? Did marrying me ever even enter your mind?" He stares at her as tears stream down his face. "Y/n-" she puts her hand up to stop him and nods. She looks to the ceiling and laughs. She knows all his faces too well. "Oh god! Well, you got me. You really got me." She then looks at him with tear soaked eyes and says, "You never even wanted a serious relationship with me, did you?" She whispers the last part. He opens his mouth but nothing comes out. The realization of the past five years hitting her hard. She laughs again and nods. "Wow......"

Zuho steps to her and grabs her arms. "Baby the past doesn't matter. Now matters. And I love you. I really do. I'm so in love with you. If you want to get married, we'll get married. I just want to be with you. With our daughter. Let's talk about this." She shakes her head and shakes out of his grasp. "Marry me as a consolation? I'm not going to get married to someone who doesn't want to marry me Zuho!" She wipes her tears and walks to the other side of the couch. "You're off the hook. You can calm down your irrational talk because I don't want to marry you anyway. Jesus! The past five years have been for fucking nothing! All an illusion!" She's pacing fast now, her mind feeling like it's going haywire. She's never felt so dejected and unwanted in her life. Not even from Jimin. "No baby! It hasn't! I love you. That's real. Our daughter is real. Just because....just because I don't want to get married doesn't mean I don't want to be with you. How I felt before you got pregnant is irrelevant now because my love for you is real. I don't want to lose you." She laughs again and she hears the code of the door being punched in. She glares at him and quietly says, "you've already lost me."

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