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"Perrie I need to talk to you please"

"Ill be right back" Perrie told the girl leaving her room. 

"Whats up boss lady?"

Leigh-Anne was standing right behind Brenda. 

"Come with me" Brenda began walking to her office.

"Not you Leigh-Anne" She said. Leigh-Anne sighed but went to stay with Sasha.  

"Close the door" Perrie closed the door sitting in front of her desk. 

"What's up, why are you acting so strange"

"I hate to have to do this but I'm going to have to let you go." Perrie rolled her eyes laughing. 

"Is that it?"

"I'm not sure why you're laughing."

"Because, This is Leigh-Anne trying to prank me. I'm not dumb. She said she was going to get me back"

"What are you talking about?"

"Wait, are you serious?" Brenda nodded. 

"Why? I'm on time everyday,  I do my job, what are you firing me for!? I thought we were friends"

"We are, but we have rules here. I made it very clear that you have to be completely sober in order to work here. I said it before the test that if you test positive you're out of here. 

"I'm clean! I swear, Brenda you have to believe me."

She stood up from her desk handing Perrie her cup. 

"How many lines does that have?"


"And what does this say?" She handed her a paper.

"One line is positive-No. There is no way. I haven't used anything. Please. Bree you cant fire me."

She felt bad when she saw Perrie tear up but she couldn't break the rules just because they were friends. 

"Perrie I'm sorry, you can reapply in three months"

"You don't understand!! I have to work so we can buy a brownstone and have babies. How am i going to make money?" Perrie cried. 

"I'm sorry rules are rules"

"The fact that you don't believe me" Perrie shook her head leaving the room. 

Brenda made her way back into her general area. Once Leigh-Anne saw her she made herself 'busy'. She told Brenda to let her retake the test. She knew Perrie was clean, she was with her over ninety percent of the day, seven days a week. She was upset with her best friend.

Once she saw Perrie's red face and teary eyes she knew Brenda did it.

"Come baby" She held her arms out for Perrie. 

Perrie pushed past her heading straight down the hall. She pushed one of the patient's room door open. 

"You Bitch!"

"You thought you were going to live happily ever after with her? Not on my watch , Should've done what I asked you to." Jesy smirked. 

Perrie launched herself at Jesy and they began to fight. Well Perrie fought Jesy. Jesy was just trying to grab her arms, she didn't want a shot, She already had two.

"Help! Help Please" The patient called frightened by the sight of the women fighting. Leigh-Anne came in with a male nurse. She pulled Perrie off of Jesy. 

"Baby, calm down"

"It was her!! She set me up"

Leigh-Anne dragged Perrie out of the room since she refused to walk out on her own 

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