Interlude: Assessment Of The Gods

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"Are you following what's going on here?"

"Me? No, not really."

"Right! Maybe we should hold still a while and just watch one person's story."


"Or... we could keep moving, find something more interesting, perhaps."

"Fine by me."

"We do have the whole sky to roam after all. We can see everything that happens on Renryre Island. Anything luring your eye?"

"I dunno."

"I really do love the constructive input you offer in our deep discussions."


"Precisely! The restless stars, they call us. An eternity wandering the night skies, and you've managed to expand your intellect marginally beyond your average lump of orbiting debris."

"What are you talking about?"

"Aargh. We were talking about Renryre Island."

"That's right. How do you pronounce that anyway?"

"What, Renryre? Exactly how you read it."

"I can't read."

"I'm shocked. Well, how does it sound in your head?"

"Hmm. Maybe sort of, with a subtle R. And a coarse Y."

"Which R?"


"Which R is subtle?"

"I dunno."

"Aargh. Shall we just get back to watching the story unfold?"

"Yes, let's!"

"Alright. Who should we watch then? We have Madrik, Talyreina, Kyrnrie, Ryleine, Gerylde...?"

"I dunno, what do you think?"

"Fine, I'll choose." 

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