wait what happened next ?

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"so now what do you want to do?" I say ignoring his previous statement, or was it a compliment.

Jason says "well you know what I want to do."

"i thought you said 'your only intentions were to get me to watch Netflix?"

"They are, but I still want too?"

"something else, something. . .normal?"

"you mean like were we'd actually leave the apartment."

"yeah I guess."

"hmm. . .I don't know it'd make it hard for me to hold you hostage" he says cautiously.

A moment of silence falls upon us. I try to stay still and even hold my breath to keep from ruining any chances I might have of him saying yes.

He says "well I guess this can be your reward for not attempting to run away before I woke up and after breakfast."

Now I'm wondering if he thinks I'm a idiot judging his tone of voice. But I don't bother to ask. Instead I say

"really. You'll take me out!" I said excited.

"yeah, lets start with something simple, a grocery shopping trip."

I stand up out of the bed and pull him by his hand. I can tell you it wasn't with ease that I got him up. But I kept pulling on his arm anyway. My excitement was obviously fueling me, but what can I do, I get to be outside.

He laughs "hold on, hold on. You cant go dressed like that. All dressed in your silk pajamas. Calm down. Sit here and I'll pick out something nice for you to wear."

"alright" I say cautiously.

"i promise I promise" he says reading the expression on my face " I wont pick anything weird or out of style. After all you liked the silk pajamas right."

"alright I'm still trusting you."

He goes into a walk in closet and all you hear is hangers upon hangers being moved. You begin to think well how many hangers are in there. What man owns this much clothing. Female clothing at that. What is he a shopaholic.

"ah I found it" he says "my favorite outfit."

No outfits came to mind that where appropriate. All I felt was fear. But I told myself just remain calm otherwise he'll change his mind. And you'll never escape. I look up to see him holding a pair of dark blue skinny jeans and a peach t-shirt that reads "more issues than vogue". I couldn't help but smile. I quickly got dressed. We walked down the hall. Down the elevator. And smack into traffric. We walk a few blocks and I run towards the kiosk with the apples. I turn around and notice Jason is no where in view. Where did he go?

I put the apple down. Look in every direction. NO freaking way he's gone. I want to run for it but then I won't blend in with the crowd. So I casually stroll trough all the stands. Then out of nowhere a hand as hard and cold as steel yanks me into the alley. Pushes me into the wall with no restraint. Wow deja vu. At first I think its Jason. But I smell beer and cigarettes on the guys breath. He quickly covers my mouth. I look at him hes in his late 30 early 40. and he has repulsive written all over his face. Yellow teeth and all. Ewwww. I try to scream but its just muffled against his calloused hands.

"listen doll. We can do this the easy way" he shows me his gun in his coat "or the hard way."

I blink and start crying and screaming in fear. OH my god he's going to kill me. Why does this keep happening. I cant help but cry frantically like the girls in the movies. I'm scared out of my mind.

"why don't you come with me and my friends. And show us a good time. Okay?" he says.

I nod in fear. Anything for him to not shoot me. His friend walks up from behind the shadows. He's even a bigger build than the current guy. And even more repulsive.

"hey ya, mikey looks like we got a taker."

"oh do we now teddy" he puts a knife up to my chin.

I muffle "mhmm" I say still crying frantically.

The guy named mikey brings the blade down. And takes teddy's place. He leans over me heavily our bodies completely touching. He takes his rough hands and run them over my curves. What is this? What are they playing freaking I get dibs. That's when Mikey forcefully squeezes my ass. I let out a squeal.

He says in a deep voice "Shut up. You're making it hard to concentrate on that nice ass of yours. Its this or a bullet through the head. You got it." as hes grinding his fingernails even harder into it.

I nod sobbing tears.

He goes back to examining my body. He lets go. His hands creep up towards my chest. And he places his hands on my breast. And just starts feeling them and weighing them. My body paralyzed stilled. Voice still silent though i'm screaming my head off. He pushes my breast against my chest. Forces his face against mine. Where kissing. And there's nothing but disgust. His hands release my breast . And start slowly pulling of my shirt. I try to pull back. He shakes me by the shoulders.

"I'M NOT DONE YET" he yells.

He leans in and kisses me. Sliding his slimy tongue into my mouth. Nothing but heinikin and Marlboro. He keeps rubbing his tongue against mine. Can nothing save me. Someone end the suffering. Him french kissing me my punishment for leaving my kidnappers side. My punishment for pulling away.

Why me.

Bam! The guy named mike stumbles toward the ground. I do to from the shock and traumatization. I can't even stand.

"go play grab ass somewhere else." the guy says.

Wait that guys no stranger. That's Jason. Hope is still alive. My eyes close heavily. Police sirens in the background. Jason picks me up. I black out.

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