A wedding?

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Today I woke up before Jason. His arms around me slightly snoring. My back against his chest. I continued to lay where I was. Just to think. Last night I had intentions. But somewhere along the way I lost them. I'm also conflicted about how I didn't want to but I wanted to have sex. Then I remember Lila and think to myself. Jason is nothing like Daniel. I mean both kidnappers but not abusive.

Jason woke up and I turned towards him. He looked at me and smiled.

"what do you want for breakfast?"

I replied "doesn't matter."

"toast and a granola bar it is."

we both got up and walked to the kitchen. He started taking the bread out. I started taking the butter and jelly out from the fridge.

Jason asked "do you think we can pick up from last night."

I said bluntly "nope."

"but we were so close to."

"-i guess you'll just have to wait then." I stated

"i liked you better last night" he whispered to himself.

He tried to convince me. He walked my direction and stood behind me. Placing his chin in the crevice of my neck for the first time in what felt like forever. He slid his thumbs into the belt loops of my shorts.

"pretty please"


"come on, please" he said kissing my neck "why torture me."


The phone rang loudly. He answered it quickly.

"hello. Yeah. Seriously. Cool. ok. Yeah."

he hung up. That was the quickest phone call ever. I looked at him.

He said "we have a wedding to go to."

"oh!" I said surprised.

"ya apparently they've been planning on this for a while. Because they said don't worry about anything they have clothes and a hotel for us. They even booked a flight for us today. From here to Italy. So apparently we have no excuse not to come. There very sneaky. The next plane leaves in a hour so we better get a move on."

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