Snip snip

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We packed everything for our journey and the next day we went looking for Jack. I was excited to be back on a ship, sailing towards the horizon on a new adventure. Although this time it wasn't with Jack, but I expected to find him sooner rather than later. The thought of meeting him again, made me a bit anxious. We thought it would be ideal to leave as soon as possible, because than we would make it back in no time. We got on a ship and went searching. We asked various fishermen, salesmen and sailors about the whereabouts of Jack, but every story seemed to be having holes and nothing connected. 'Captain Jack Sparrow? Owes me four doubloons. Heard he was dead.' The fisherman shrugged and walked off. Will and I looked at eachother with a frown. We continued asking everyone: 'Singapore. That's what I heard. Drunk, with a smile on his face. Sure as the tide, Jack Sparrow turn up in Singapore.' That sounded a lot more like Jack.

Soon we arrived at Tortuga and got a lot more answers. 'Jack Sparrow?' A lady asked. She looked at me with an angry face. I think I met her before in Tortuga. Wasn't she the one who slapped Jack across the face? The other lady who did the same thing, stood next to her. 'I haven't seen him in a month.' The blonde lady turned her attention towards me. 'When you find him, will you give him a message?' And with that she slapped me across the face. I was furious, but Will managed to drag me away from the scene, before I could do more harm, leaving the women laughing.

On the docks of Tortuga we met a guy who told us: 'Can't say about Jack Sparrow, but there's an island just south of the straits where I trade spice for... mmm... delicious long pork. Cannot say about Jack, but you'll find that ship there. A ship with black sails.' My heart made a jump as I remembered the Black Pearl. It had become like a second home to me. The thought of me seeing it again was making me really excited. We went with the man on his ship and sailed to the island he was talking about. When we arrived I looked through the binocular to see the Pearl stranded on the beach of the jungle island. The island was looking deserted and overgrown. What on earth would bring Jack here? 'My brother will take you ashore.' The man said. We got on a longboat and the brother rowed us close to the shore. He looked behind him at the beach and stopped rowing. 'What's wrong? The beach is there.' Will said and I looked at them in waiting of an answer. The guy said something in a foreign language. 'What?' I said and Will sighed, got up and jumped in the water to swim to the island. 'Bon voyage, mademoiselle.' The guy said. 'Will, wait for me!'  I yelled and jumped after him. 

We entered the beach and walked towards the Black Pearl which was laying as a stranded whale on the beach, not nearly doing what it was intended for. I walked through the water towards it and put my hand on the side of the ship. I sighed. 'You missed it, didn't you?' Will asked and smiled at me. 'To be honest, yes, very much.' I said. 'Those six months on the ocean made me believe that a pirate's life is not so bad as i thought it was.' I winked and smiled back. 'Come on, we need to find Jack. I hope he's here somewhere. Maybe he's on the ship?' I wanted to say to Will that I thought the ship looked a little abandoned, but before I could, he began to yell: 'Jack! Jack Sparrow!' As hard as he could, trying to top the sound of the waves. 'Marty!' I yelled, joining my brother. 'Cotton!' He yelled. 'Anybody?' He said and looked at me. 'I was just thinking that the ship looks a bit abandoned.' I said and he nodded, walking towards the jungle. 

We entered the brim of the jungle and we got startled by a parrot flying towards us, but not just any parrot, it was Mr. Cotton's parrot. It was squawking at us as it landed on my shoulder. 'Ah, a familiar face.' My brother said. The parrot replied: 'Don't eat me.' I looked at it and said: 'Well, that's weird.' 'I'm not going to eat you.' Will said. 'Don't eat me.' The parrot repeated and flew over to a branch. 'No, don't eat me.' 

We heard the parrot squawk behind us as we went deeper into the jungle. With our swords we cut through the vines and plants. The atmosphere was suffocating, warm and humid. Then I spotted something familiar, a flask, hanging from a tree. 'Look! This is Mr. Gibbs's flask.' I said and called Will over. The flask was attached to a rope which we followed. But suddenly it stopped. I looked at the end of the rope and saw something move in the corner of my eye. At that moment a camouflaged man jumped  out of the bushes and attacked us. We walked backwards and Will stepped into a trap, which threw him in the air by his ankle and left him hanging upside down. I stood under him with my sword drawn and tried to defend us from the native folk coming from the bushes trying to attack us with spears. I yelled as I fought with some of the men. 'Come on! Who wants it?' I yelled and they looked at me with a frown. But before I knew it, I felt a sharp pain in my neck and I reckoned that it must be a poisonous arrow to put us to sleep.

I woke up to the sound of drums. I was tied on a wooden pole and hanging upside down. 'Y/N!' I heard Will whispering to me. I opened my eyes and I saw that we were captivated by native people of the island. Will shook his head, trying to point something at me. I looked behind him and I saw a strange figure sitting on a handmade throne made from skulls and wood. I blinked a few times, because I couldn't believe my eyes. 'Jack?' I asked and the strange figure looked at me with wide eyes. He had paint all over his face and arms and he had a handmade feathery crown on top of his head. I repeated myself: 'Jack Sparrow?' My brother began to laugh and said: 'I can honestly say I'm glad to see you.' He was right, I could hear the despair in his voice, because from the way we were tied I could make up that the people were going to eat us if Jack didn't do something about it. Jack stood up from the throne and walked towards us. He put his hand on my ass and touched it, I could see him smirk a little from where I was. I sighed and he looked at the native people and said something in a language I couldn't understand, but apparently the people knew what he meant, because they talked back. 'Tell them to let us down!' I said desperately. He ignored us and started talking to the men again. He turned towards us and said something else that ended with: 'snip, snip' and with his hands he signed to cut us lose. The native people sighed and said: 'Awwww' when Jack said they had to free us.

That's when I saw it, hanging from his belt. 'Jack, the compass. That's all we need.' Will added: 'Elizabeth is in danger. We were arrested for trying to help you. She faces the gallows!' We awaited for Jack's response. He turned around and said some weird words to a few of the men and ended with 'Savvy?'. Then the people began to yell and got enthusiastic. My heart was racing in my chest and I began to get really angry at Jack for not helping us. I didn't understand a thing from what he was doing, which was normally the case. He walked towards me and whispered as his voice tickled my ear: 'Save me.' I looked at him with wide eyes, not knowing what to do. Will and I were being carried away and Will yelled: 'Jack, what did you tell them?!' 'No!' I yelled as the people were chanting louder and louder. 'What about Elizabeth?!' 'JAAAACK!' I yelled as we were being carried further away over a rope bridge, unsure what was awaiting us in our near future.

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