Davy Jones' Story

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Jack was staring at Will while my brother was still holding the sword on the captain's throat. 'Will, we could just ask him...' Jack cut me off: 'Mr. Gibbs.' He dodged the sword and turned his attention to Gibbs. 'Cap'n.' Gibbs said, holding the rudder. Jack walked behind Gibbs with wide eyes and said to him: 'We have a need to travel upriver.' Will and I were just standing there and watching their conversation. 'By need, do you mean a trifling need?' Gibbs looked at his captain unsurely. 'Fleeting? As in, say, a passing fancy?' Jack made eye contact with me and his eyes became slits before turning back to Gibbs: 'No, a resolute and unyielding need.' Will was not having it and followed Jack, who was now in front of the rudder. 'What we need to do is make sail for Port Royal with all haste.' I stood next to Will and said: 'I must agree with my brother on this one.' I folded my arms and Jack stated: 'Willian, Y/N. I shall trade you the compass, if you will help me to find...' He put a hand inside of his shirt and grabbed a piece of fabric and unfolded it. 'this.' We looked at the fabric. There was a key drawn on it. 'You want us to find this?' I asked and looked at Jack. I was becoming a bit angry now myself, because this all wouldn't be happening if Jack just gave us the compass and let us go home, but ofcourse Jack had to be a pain in the ass.

'No.' Jack said and looked at me. 'You want you to find this, because the finding of this finds you incapacitorially finding and/or locating in your discovering the detecting of a way to save your dolly belle, ol' what's-her-face... Savvy?' He said and I rolled my eyes. Sigh, why couldn't this man be easy for once. Will looked at Jack with disgust. I grabbed the piece of fabric with the key on it out of Jack's hands and looked at it. 'So feisty today.' He said, smirking at me. I answered with an unimpressed smile and looked at the key. 'This is going to save Elizabeth?' I asked him with a serious face. He licked his lips as he stepped closer to me, the ceremonial paint from the Pelegostos still dripping over his face: 'How much do you know about Davy Jones?'

I looked Jack in the eyes and then looked back at my brother, who shook his head. 'Not much.' I said. Jack locked eyes with Will: 'Yeah, it's going to save Elizabeth.' I looked at the drawing of the key which was handed to me and tried to figure out what plan Jack was forming inside his head. He commanded the crew to take down the sails and set course.

I walked off to the side of the ship and Will followed me. 'I have no idea what Jack has planned for us.' I sighed as Will put his arms around me in a brotherly hug. 'I have no idea either, but we will find out eventually. We can do this.' He said reassuringly. Still hugging, I looked over Will's shoulder at Jack who was behind the rudder, looking into the distance. He looked at his hand and made an ugly face, quickly returning his eyes back to the horizon. I wondered what it was all about. Will let go of me and I looked at him. I grabbed the drawing of the key and looked at it another time. 'Give it to me. I will keep it safe until we figure this out.' I nodded and handed him the drawing. 'And whatever it is. We need to coorporate. I cannot believe that Jack cannot just hand us the compass, it would be so much easier.' Will said and I looked at him. 'I think that the word 'easy' is not even inside the man's head, Will.'

After a few hours of sailing, we encountered another island. This island was covered in jungle and a river on the island mouthed into the ocean. 

'Get the boats ready, we're gonna enter the island!' Jack yelled from behind the rudder as he locked eyes with me. He smiled at me and began to walk towards me. I tried to ignore him. 'Hey beautiful.' I rolled my eyes. 'What?' I looked at the open sea as Jack stood next to me and tried to grab my attention. 'I just wanted to say something before we go on the island.' I turned to face him and crossed my arms. 'Go on then, tell me.' He put a finger on my chin, lifting my head up to look him in the eyes. I almost gave in to his touch and let the anger flow away, but I couldn't let myself go. I had a job to do. He smiled at me and said: 'Whatever the lady says, it is not true.' He walked away and I said: 'What lady?' but he did as if he couldn't hear me and entered one of the boats.

The Pirate's Heart - Jack Sparrow x ReaderOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora